Quick view African Minds An Audit of Police Oversight in Africa APCOF is a network of African policing practitioners drawn from state and nonstate institutions. It is active in promoting police accountability through civilian oversight. It believes that the broad... $48.14 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Beyond Memory: Recording the History, Moments and Memories of South African Music South Africa possesses one of the richest popular music traditions in the world - from marabi to mbaqanga, from boeremusiek to bubblegum, from kwela to kwaito. Yet the risk that future generations of... $84.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view African Minds Brain Rot Brain Rot is a fast-paced, highly entertaining parody of the politics, in-fighting and corruption at a fictional university in Africa. Here, sexual favours are traded for grades, bribes smooth the... $94.71 $93.20 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Centering on African Practice in Musical This collection brings together many African voices expressing their ideas and conceptions of musical practice and arts education in Africa. With essays from established scholars in the field as well... $52.38 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Citizenship Law in Africa. a Comparative Study Few African countries provide for an explicit right to a nationality. Laws and practices governing citizenship effectively leave hundreds of thousands of people in Africa without a country. These... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Collaboration in Development: A South African Heritage South Africa is under-capitalising on its rich ways of doing business. One such way, the focus of this book, is collaboration. The collaboration approach should be promoted to the same extent that... $38.38 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Contemp. Study of Musical V1 The Contemporary study of musical arts, Volumes 1 to 5 is a series that emphasizes the intellectual security of cultural knowledge orientation in the study and research of the musical arts for... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Contemp. Study of Musical V2 The Contemporary study of musical arts, Volumes 1 to 5 is a series that emphasizes the intellectual security of cultural knowledge orientation in the study and research of the musical arts for... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Contemp. Study of Musical V3 The Contemporary study of musical arts, Volumes 1 to 5 is a series that emphasizes the intellectual security of cultural knowledge orientation in the study and research of the musical arts for... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Contemp. Study of Musical V4 The Contemporary study of musical arts, Volumes 1 to 5 is a series that emphasizes the intellectual security of cultural knowledge orientation in the study and research of the musical arts for... $55.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Dick Fehnel: Lessons from Gravers School Dick Fehnel worked as higher education consultant for the World Bank, Ford Foundation and the Human Sciences Research Council. He held the positions of acting representative (1998-1999) and programme... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Doctoral Education in South Africa Worldwide, in Africa and in South Africa, the importance of the doctorate has increased disproportionately in relation to its share of the overall graduate output over the past decade. This... $63.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Driving Change. the Story of the South Africa Norway Tertiary Education Development Programme Driving Change tells a story that exemplifies a basic law of physics, known to all - the application of a relatively small lever can shift weight, create movement and initiate change far in excess of... $41.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Educational Challenges in Multilingual Societies. Loitasa Phase Two Research This book is the sixth in a series of books from the LOITASA (Language of Instruction in Tanzania and South Africa) project and reflects the work done in the sixth year of the project. LOITASA is... $72.77 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Election Management Bodies in West Africa. a Comparative Study of the Contribution of Electoral Commissions to the Strengthen This report is an in-depth study of electoral commissions in six countries of West Africa 'Benin, Cape Verde, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone - assessing their contribution in strengthening... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Flow: FicSci 01 The practice and theory of science communication can take many forms. One of them, which this volume represents, explores what forms of knowledge might be constructed when creative writing encounters... $38.38 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds From Memory to Marble: The historical frieze of the Voortrekker Monument Part I: The Frieze From Memory to Marble is an investigation by an art historian and an archaeologist into why and how a major monument was created: the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria. Built during the rise of... $50.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Higher Education Financing in East and S This nine-country study of higher education financing in Africa includes three East African states (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda), five countries in southern Africa (Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique,... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Higher Education in Portuguese Speaking African Countries This publication is the result of a baseline study of the state of the higher education systems in the five Portuguese speaking countries in Africa (PALOP): Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau,... $40.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Hijab: Unveiling Queer Muslim Lives Hijab: Unveiling Queer Muslim Lives is the first known collection of South African Muslim stories relating to Islam and sexual diversity. This anthology shares real-life stories of people that have... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Knowledge for a Sustainable World. A Southern African-Nordic contribution The search for answers to the issue of global sustainability has become increasingly urgent. In the context of higher education, many universities and academics are seeking new insights that can... $54.51 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Knowledge Production and Contradictory Functions in African Higher Education The dominant global discourse in higher education now focuses on 'world-class' universities - inevitably located predominantly in North America, Europe and, increasingly, East Asia. The rest of the... $63.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Leadership and Management: Case Studies in Training in Higher Education in Africa There has been a resurgence of interest in training programmes for higher education leaders and management (HELM) at African universities in recent times. Although there have been a few cases of... $54.51 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Linking Higher Education and Economic de Finland, South Korea and the state of North Carolina in the United States are three systems that successfully have harnessed higher education in their economic development initiatives. Common to the... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Open Learning as a Means of Advancing Social Justice: Cases in Post-School Education and Training in South Africa This volume investigates the uptake of 'open learning' in South African Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges and higher education institutions. Comprised of 16 studies focused... $54.79 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Perspectives on Student Affairs in South Africa The goal of Perspectives on Student Affairs in South Africa is to generate interest in student affairs in South Africa. The papers contained herein are based on best practice, local experience and... $41.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Public Broadcasting in Africa Series: Nigeria This report on the broadcast media in Nigeria finds that liberalisation efforts in the broadcasting sector have only been partially achieved. More than a decade after military rule, the nation still... $48.14 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Public Broadcasting in Africa Series: Uganda Uganda's broadcast media landscape has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years. While the public broadcaster remains the dominant national player - in terms of reach - in both radio and... $48.14 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Public Broadcasting in Africa Series: Zimbabwe This report is the result of research that started in 2008 with the aim of collecting, collating and writing up information about regulation, ownership, access, performance as well as prospects for... $48.14 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view African Minds Reflections on Identity in Four African Identity has become the watchword of our times. In sub-Saharan Africa, this certainly appears to be true and for particular reasons. Africa is urbanising rapidly, cross-border migration streams are... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart