Quick view Assoc of College & Research Libraries Assessment and Advocacy:: Using Project Outcome for Academic Libraries - 9798892555241 Project Outcome for Academic Libraries, acrl.projectoutcome.org, is a free toolkit from the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) designed to help academic libraries understand and share... $102.29 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Assoc of College & Research Libraries Critical Library Leadership: Managing Self and Others in Today's Academic Library - 9798892555470 Many of us arrive in supervisory positions with little or no formal training in academic library leadership. We attempt to teach ourselves the skills we need to be good managers and organizational... $105.74 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Assoc of College & Research Libraries Digital Humanities in the Library, Second Edition - 9798892555555 The field of digital humanities--and the way in which libraries and library workers support and engage with it--continues to expand and evolve with technological innovations and global and national... $89.64 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Assoc of College & Research Libraries Empathy by Design:: Empathy-Driven Marketing for Libraries - 9798892555579 The library is a universal resource where knowledge and information meet. To advertise this resource and advance equal access in positive ways, libraries must develop strategies, campaigns, and... $66.66 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Assoc of College & Research Libraries Information Literacy and Social Media: Empowered Student Engagement with the Acrl Framework - 9798892555456 Teaching our students how to become flexible and accurate evaluators of information requires teaching them adaptable processes and not static heuristics. Our conventional information literacy... $62.06 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Assoc of College & Research Libraries Toward Inclusive Academic Librarian Hiring Practices - 9798892555302 Academic library hiring can be a bureaucratic and exclusionary process. Inclusive hiring practices can help libraries recenter the people in the process and incorporate transparency, empathy, and... $108.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Assoc of College & Research Libraries Training Library Instructors: Vol 1: A Guide to Training Graduate Students Volume 82 - 9798892556033 Pedagogy impacts all parts of library work and culture. It changes the way we interact with learners regardless of setting and however we name or define the teaching moment, from research help to... $73.55 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Assoc of College & Research Libraries Training Library Instructors: Vol 2: A Guide to Training Librarians Volume 83 - 9798892556019 Pedagogy impacts all parts of library work and culture. It changes the way we interact with learners regardless of setting and however we name or define the teaching moment, from research help to... $73.55 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Assoc of College & Research Libraries Universal Design for Learning in Academic Libraries:: Theory Into Practice - 9798892555494 Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework for improving and optimizing teaching and learning. It's focused on intentionally designing for the needs and abilities of all... $94.24 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart