Sale 3% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) ?ica Y Bio?ica En El Campo M?ico - 9798892482530 Desde su formulaci?n, el modelo principialista propuesto por Beachamp y Childdres (1983), fue retomado como "ideario deontol?gico" en el ?mbito de las ciencias de la salud, bajo la suscripci?n de los... $59.00 $57.23 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) ?ica Y Bio?ica En El Campo M?ico - Paperback Afirma la fil?sofa Juliana Gonz?lez, que "el humanismo lleva impl?cita una ontolog?a del hombre", e impulsa una tarea o quehacer, en una dimensi?n propiamente ?tica: "procurar la humanidad del hombre... $40.00 $39.07 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) ?or qu?los gobiernos necesitan laboratorios? La academia y los organismos internacionales vienen alertando de una crisis de confianza y legitimidad en nuestros actuales modelos de gobernanza democr?tica. Para cambiar esta desafecci?n los... $32.17 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) A Class Perspective to Charlotte Bront?s Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, and The Professor In the mid-19th century, Great Britain was so much facing social class inequalities that the writersof the period oriented their compositions towards those discriminations. Victorian authors such... $32.17 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) A Leaf From My Own Book How does a young, beautiful woman get hooked into assisting a friend escape Nazi Germany? It starts with accepting an invitation to visit her aunt in Berlin. World events are shaky. The Olympic Games... $29.59 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) A Qualitative Study of Xiangxi Miao Ethnic Group: Reflections on Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Education Adding Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) education to Chinese cultural teaching practices offers significant benefits, but presents a number of challenges. In addition to engaging students through... $27.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Actividad f?ica como estrategia terap?tica en el manejo de la diabetes tipo 2: evidencia actual La actividad f?sica es crucial en la prevenci?n y en el manejo de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2). Investigaciones sobre personas con elevado riesgo de DM indican que el ejercicio regular ayuda a... $30.45 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Afrique, politique et d?ocratie: de l'approche essentialiste ?l'approche existentialiste de la probl?atique Ce livre se propose, d'une part, de montrer les raisons tacites d'une conception essentialiste de la politique africaine en indiquant la n?cessit? et le bien-fond? de concevoir la politique africaine... $33.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 3% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Alberi e boschi sono vere medicine Questo volume ? tratto dalle lezioni che Ugo Corrieri ha svolto come Professore a Contratto di Medicina Forestale presso l'Universit? della Tuscia, Sede di Rieti, per l'A.A. 2021/2022. Gli alberi e i... $58.00 $56.30 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Allah the God of All Creatures A book titled 'Allah is the God of all Creatures" explains who God is, and his attributes. Allah is the Arabic word for God used by Christian Arabs and Muslims. The Arabic Bible uses the word Allah... $30.45 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 4% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Analyse Linguistique des Probl?es de Traduction: Une Etude de Cas Le pr?sent livre est consacr? ? l'?tude de la traduction de The Life and Times of an African Trade Unionist, un livre qui raconte non seulement l'histoire d'un syndicaliste africain, mais aussi celle... $81.00 $77.71 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Anthology of Economic Studies The present collection is an anthology of articles published by the author in recent years; its architectonics presents not chronological but actual problems, in particular - the transitional period... $35.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 4% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Antolog?: Metodolog?s de investigaci? cualitativas orientadas a la adquisici? del conocimiento en proyectos acad?icos Las metodolog?as de investigaci?n cualitativas son fundamentales en proyectos acad?micos para obtener un entendimiento profundo y contextualizado del fen?meno estudiado. Estas metodolog?as se centran... $70.00 $67.47 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 5% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Armours with special properties obtained by cold spraying on 52100 steel This book presents experimental achievements related to the Cold Spray deposition technique and the obtaining properties of some layers used for armour. The research carried out presents tests to... $50.00 $47.69 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Articulating the Shan migrant community in Thai society through community radio Making sense of the practices and experiences of the Shan migrant community in the city of Chiang Mai in Thailand, the text articulates the process of making meaning about the contexts in which this... $32.17 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 4% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Autotransformer discrete alternating voltage regulators The presented book is a collection of selected papers that the author's team has been developing for more than 20 years in the field of AC step voltage regulators. The number of publications on the... $47.00 $45.10 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Bulgarian Privatization The book is dedicated to the Bulgarian privatization that took place during a relatively large period, since the late 90s until the end of the second decade of the 21th century. The prolonged... $34.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Cabinets of Curiosities England, 2009. The time of Michael Jackson's death. Summoned to the remote Lincolnshire village of Bubbleby by the sister of a former college friend, the enigmatic Isabel White, the narrator Sam Whoo... $38.00 $37.34 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 5% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Cadre de r??ence international et syst?e de s?urit?sociale en R?ublique D?ocratique du Congo Depuis la D?claration universelle des droits de l'homme de Paris du 10 d?cembre 1948, la s?curit? sociale est consid?r?e comme un droit humain auquel tout ?tre humain devrait acc?der. La r?alit? est... $52.00 $49.41 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Cancers Pediatriques En Cote d'Ivoire Le cancer, tout comme toutes les pathologies chroniques, affecte non seulement l'organisme mais aussi la sant? mentale des patients et leur cercle familial. C'est une v?ritable catastrophe que... $33.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Carta abierta para el autor de la m? reciente filosof? de lo [no] absoluto La filosof?a de Q. Meillassoux dice ser esencialmente pensamiento especulativo de lo absoluto. En lo siguiente, nos dedicaremos a una breve rese?a de los principios de su obra capital Despu?s de la... $32.17 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Ces Africains Qui Etaient En Contact Avec Les Acteurs Coloniaux Francais Parmi les Africains qui ?taient en contact avec les acteurs coloniaux fran?ais et avaient chemin? avec eux en tant que porteurs, piroguiers, interpr?tes, pour ne citer que ceux-l?, nombreux d'entre... $27.86 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 1% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Challenges of the Media: Culture and Media In the book are covered many relevant topics related to the role and importance of the media today. There are explained the existing problems in an argumentative manner, but also the advantages of... $37.00 $36.48 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Change of Mindset in People of Pakistan About Their Democratic System Since Regime Change 2022 Based on the research activity, we have summarized the overall impact and changes in Pakistan's society after the regime change was implemented in the country. So, anger and strong reactions are... $35.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Circassia in the World History The book of Circassia in the World History was written during Hamed Kazemzadeh's Ph.D. studies at the University of Warsaw in Poland. The book aimed to investigate how the Circassians have used from... $40.00 $39.07 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 5% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Climate and water and energy production in Gabon Located on the western edge of Atlantic Equatorial Africa, Gabon belongs to one of the most rainy regions of the planet. Our work presents an analysis of the characteristics of the different climatic... $50.00 $47.69 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Comparative differential study of comorbid symptomatic groups Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) constitute a diagnosis characterised by a multifunctional neurocognitive disorder, based on a limited connexional structure for neuronal-synaptic... $28.72 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 5% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Comparative Studies on China's and EU's Multilateralism: From Diplomatic Practice to Diplomatic Philosophy A prerequisite for narrating the diplomatic relations with Europe and fostering China-EU multilateral cooperation is to clarify the similarities and differences of Chinese and European views of... $50.00 $47.69 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Comunicaci? Pol?ica En Elecciones Y Pandemia En M?ico Este ensayo de investigaci?n est? dividido en tres partes: Una, introductoria, donde contextualizamos la importancia del trabajo de investigaci?n durante la pandemia del Covid-19 que sacudi? y sacude... $28.72 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 2% Quick view Bayshop (Generis Publishing) Conceptos de F?ica Cu?tica Este libro se ha escrito con las caracter?sticas de un apunte de tipo universitario, de modo de aportar a los lectores una s?ntesis de los principales conceptos con que se desarroll? el marco te?rico... $40.00 $39.07 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart