Sale 6% Quick view Common Word Publishing Interfaith Dialogues And Debates: What Would A Muslim Say (Volume 3) Everyone talks about the importance of interfaith dialogue. Many books offer advice on how to conduct interfaith dialogue. But in THIS book, you will find actual transcripts of interfaith dialogues,... $11.95 $11.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 6% Quick view Common Word Publishing Islamic Law, Theology And Practice: What Would A Muslim Say (Volume 4) How does Islamic theology inform a Muslim's practice? What do modern Muslims say about post-Modern issues? This book features actual transcripts of deep conversations on Islamic history, Islamic law... $11.95 $11.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 6% Quick view Common Word Publishing The Qur'An Discussions: What Would A Muslim Say (Volume 2) With Dialogue Comes UNDERSTANDING. Many books teach the Qur'an, criticize it, or academically explain it. But in THIS book, you will find actual transcripts of questions and answers between a student... $11.95 $11.21 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart