Sale 7% Quick view Double R Books HIDDEN MICKEY 1: Sometimes Dead Men DO Tell Tales! (1) Two friend find Walt Disney's lost diary. Who knew it would lead them on a wild cross-country search filled with discoveries, about the famous man, his life, and about themselves.Author: Nancy Temple... $17.99 $16.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Double R Books HIDDEN MICKEY 2: It All Started... (2) HIDDEN MICKEY 2: It All Started... Second book in the Hidden Mickey series. Written for adults, teens, and tweens, 10 and up).MISSING A CLUE LANCE STUMBLES ON A MYSTERIOUS RED GEMSTONE. What was... $17.99 $16.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Double R Books HIDDEN MICKEY 3: Wolf! The Legend of Tom Sawyer's Island (3) WOULD YOU TO BREECH THE FABRIC OF TIME TO SAVE WALT'S LEGACY? A mysterious security guard has uncanny abilities CAN HE STOP A MALICIOUS VILLAIN? 3 people lost in a place where time moves differently... $17.99 $16.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 16% Quick view Double R Books HIDDEN MICKEY 4.5: Unfinished Business-Wals - 9781938319273 The story of Wals as he embarks on a new quest from Walt Disney, this time set both in Florida's Walt Disney World and California's Disneyland.Author: Nancy Temple RodriguePublisher: Double R... $14.99 $12.63 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Double R Books HIDDEN MICKEY 4: Wolf! Happily Ever After? (4) WOLF CROSSES PATHS WITH MERLIN Lost in the stream of time AN EVIL FORCE GAINS CONTROL OF A GEM Merlin's apprentice shows her true colors WOLF STRUGGLES TO RESIST FORCES OF DARKNESS Wolf's brother... $17.99 $16.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 16% Quick view Double R Books Hidden Mickey Adventures 1: Peter and the Wolf HIDDEN MICKEY ADVENTURES 1: Peter and the Wolf - 6th Hidden Mickey novel by Nancy Temple Rodrigue, that follows: "Hidden Mickey 4.5: Unfinished Business--Wals". If you like Kingdom Keepers by Ridley... $14.99 $12.63 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 16% Quick view Double R Books Hidden Mickey Adventures 2: Peter and the Missing Mansion THINGS SEEM FAMILIAR-BUT HORRIBLY WRONG Alone in front of a hauntingly-familiar mansion. PETER'S VISIT TAKES A DEADLY TURN The inhabitants aren't as he thought. CAN WOLF RESCUE HIM? Is the Disney... $14.99 $12.63 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 16% Quick view Double R Books Hidden Mickey Adventures 3: The Mermaid's Tale HIDDEN MICKEY ADVENTURES 3: The Mermaid's Tale - 8th Hidden Mickey novel by Nancy Temple Rodrigue about Walt Disney and Disneyland written for Adults, Teens, & Tweens (age 9 to 90). A FORGOTTEN... $14.99 $12.63 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 16% Quick view Double R Books Hidden Mickey Adventures 4: Revenge of the Wolf TWO ADVERSARIES FACE OFF Hurled into the past, Wolf confronts Omah in a final showdown. PETER GOES TO NEW HEIGHTS TO FOLLOW THE CLUES Peter and Catie need help but Wolf is still missing. WHO REALLY... $14.99 $12.63 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 16% Quick view Double R Books Hidden Mickey Adventures 5: When You Wish A FAMILY IN CRISIS Tragedy strikes. CAN A MAN FROM THE PAST REALLY HELP A BOY IN THE FUTURE? Peter receives a special message from Walt Disney. EXTORTION, BLACKMAIL, A GLIMPSE INTO THE FUTURE Who... $14.99 $12.63 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart