Quick view E-Artnow 100 Chinesische Märchen mit Illustrationen (Das Zauberfaß, Der Panther, Das grosse Wasser, Der Fuchs und der Tiger, Der Feuergott, Morgenhimmel und me Inhalt: - Weiberworte trennen Fleisch und Bein - Die drei Reimer - Wie einer aus Gier nach dem Kleinen das Gro e verliert - Wer ist der S?nder? - Das Zauberfa - Das Gl?ckskind und das Ungl?ckskind -... $11.94 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow 1793 - Roman. Die Terrorherrschaft und der Aufstand der Vendée: Deutsche Ausgabe Dreiundneunzig (1793) ist ein Roman von Victor Hugo. Er handelt vom Aufstand der Vend?e des Jahres 1793 in Frankreich. Der Begriff Aufstand der Vend?e (frz. soul?vement de Vend?e) bezeichnet den... $13.11 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow 1812: Historischer Roman über den Russlandfeldzug Napoleons (Band 1 bis 4) Ludwig Rellstab (1799-1860) war ein deutscher Journalist, Musikkritiker und Dichter. Zeitweilig benutzte er das Pseudonym Freimund Zuschauer. Neben historischen Romanen, Novellen, Dramen und... $18.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow 19 Lustige Gymnasialgeschichten: Pipin der Kleine, Strand und Sand, Ludwig das Kind, Friedrich der Weise und mehr Theodor Berthold (Pseudonyme: Theodor Bleibtreu, Dorus von Bockelt, Theodor Carus, (1841 - 1909) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Theodor Bertholds schriftstellerisches Werk, das zu einem gro en... $10.40 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow 196 Tage auf treibender Eisscholle: Auszug aus: Die amerikanische Nordpolexpedition Emil Bessels (1847/1888) war ein deutscher Naturforscher und Nordpolfahrer. Er studierte in Jena und in seiner Vaterstadt Naturwissenschaft und Medizin und trat 1869 auf Petermanns Veranlassung mit... $8.20 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow 2 Vorträge: Wissenschaft als Beruf Politik als Beruf Inhalt: - Wissenschaft als Beruf ist ein Aufsatz des Soziologen und ?konomen Max Weber. Er basiert auf einem Vortrag. Zun?chst nimmt Weber in seinem Vortrag Stellung zu den Vor- und Nachteilen einer... $8.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA (Illustrated): A Thrilling Saga of Wondrous Adventure, Mystery and Suspense in the wild depths of the Pacific Ocean "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" is a classic science fiction novel by Jules Verne published in 1870. It tells the story of Captain Nemo and his submarine Nautilus, as seen from the perspective of... $18.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow 3 Essays: Zur Psychologie des Geldes + Zur Psychologie der Frauen + Philosophie der Mode Georg Simmel (1858-1918) war ein deutscher Philosoph und Soziologe. Er leistete wichtige Beitr?ge zur Kulturphilosophie, war Begr?nder der "formalen Soziologie" und der Konfliktsoziologie. Simmel... $14.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow 34. Bruton Street (Detektivroman) Aus dem Buch: "Kurz darauf fuhren beide mit dem Fahrstuhl nach unten und gingen den Korridor entlang, der zum Speisesaal f?hrte. Ihr stahlblaues Samtkleid stand vorz?glich zu dem Platinblond ihrer... $9.80 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow 4 Märchen: Der Königssohn Hans ohne Bart Die blinde Königstochter Das Leben der Hochgräfin Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns: D Der K?nigssohn: Entstanden 1808 zur Ver?ffentlichung in Achim von Arnims Tr?steinsamkeit, dort aufgrund des fr?hen Endes der Zeitschrift aber nicht erschienen. Hans ohne Bart: Entstanden 1808 zur... $9.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow 9 Novellen: Michael Kohlhaas Die Marquise von O... Das Erdbeben in Chili Geistererscheinung und mehr: Michael Kohlhaas Die Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist (1777-1811) war ein deutscher Dramatiker, Erz?hler, Lyriker und Publizist. Kleist stand als "Au enseiter im literarischen Leben seiner Zeit jenseits der etablierten... $10.03 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow ?? von Horv?h: Gesammelte Romane & Erz?lungen (66 Titel in einem Band): Der ewige Spie?r, Ein Kind unserer Zeit, Der r?ische Haupt ?d?n von Horv?th (1901-1938) war ein auf Deutsch schreibender ?sterreichisch-ungarischer Schriftsteller ungarischer Staatsb?rgerschaft. Inhalt: - Romane - Sechsunddrei ig Stunden - Der ewige Spie er... $15.25 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A 7 Footsteps of Fear: Slavery's Pleasant Homes, The Quadroons, Charity Bowery, The Emancipated Slaveholders, Anecdote of Elias Hicks, The Bl Lydia Maria Child is better known as the abolitionist who supported Harriet Jacob's masterpiece, Incident in the Life of a Slave Girl, but very few people know that Lydia Maria Child was a prolific... $10.40 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A Chance Acquaintance (Unabridged) A Chance Acquaintance is a realist novel that tells a story of a small-town girl Kitty Ellison, who goes on vacation with her family on a tour around north states and Quebec. During the holiday Miss... $12.09 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A Christmas Dream & Other Christmas Stories by Louisa May Alcott: Merry Christmas, What the Bell Saw and Said, Becky's Christmas Dream, The Abbot's Gh Extract: "Now, I believe everyone has had a Christmas present and a good time. Nobody has been forgotten, not even the cat," said Mrs. Ward to her daughter, as she looked at Pobbylinda, purring on... $11.51 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A Collection of Poems by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (In This Our World, Suffrage Songs and Verses) Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) was a prominent American feminist, sociologist, novelist, writer of short stories, poetry, and nonfiction, and a lecturer for social reform. She was a utopian... $12.83 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A Columbus of Space - 9788027333660 "A Columbus of Space" is dedicated to people who read Jules Verne and it is written in his style. The novel features an independent scientist who discovers the secret of "inter-atomic energy". He... $12.98 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A Daughter of Astrea (Thriller Classic) "Behold!" cried Sabul Ahmid, with an upward sweep of his bare, brown arm, "behold the Sacred Temple of the people of Astrea!" I stood up in the boat, my portfolio under my arm. High on the mountain's... $10.84 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A Daughter of the Land - 9788027307760 Kate Bates is the youngest of sixteen children. Daughter of a rich but miserly and controlling father she defies his plans for her and leaves home at eighteen, looking to make her own way in life and... $10.91 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 12% Quick view E-Artnow A Fool's Errand & Bricks Without Straw: The Classics Which Condemned the Terrorism of Ku Klux Klan and Fought for Preventing the Southern Hate Violenc "A Fool's Errand. By One of the Fools" - After the American Civil War, Comfort Servosse, a Yankee gentleman, decides to purchase a Southern Plantation for himself and his family. But unlike other... $31.70 $27.91 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A Garland for Girls (Children's Classics Series) Extract: "The three girls were the guests of a delightful old lady, who had know their mothers and was fond of renewing her acquaintance with them through their daughters. She loved young people, and... $9.07 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A HAZARD OF NEW FORTUNES - A New York Story (American Classics Series) The book, which takes place in late 19th century New York City, tells the story of Basil March, who finds himself in the middle of a dispute between his employer, a self-made millionaire named... $18.90 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A Hero of Romance: Boy's Adventure Novel Excerpt: "It was about as miserable an afternoon as one could wish to see. May is the poet's month, but there was nothing of poetry about it then. True, it was early in the month, but February never... $13.71 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A History of China., [3d Ed. Rev. and Enl.] A History of China., [3d Ed. Rev. and Enl.]Author: Wolfram EberhardPublisher: E-ArtnowPublication Date: Jun 26, 2024Number of Pages: NA pagesLanguage: EnglishBinding: PaperbackISBN-10:... $15.74 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A History of New York: From the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty (Complete Edition - Volume 1&2): From the Prolific Ame Knickerbocker's History of New York, From the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty is a work of history, disguised as satire, which was published in 1809 by the American writer... $16.57 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A History Of Science (Vol. 1-5): Complete Edition Author: Henry Smith Williams, Edward Huntington WilliamsPublisher: E-ArtnowPublication Date: Jul 06, 2021Number of Pages: 620 pagesLanguage: EnglishBinding: PaperbackISBN-10: 802734168XISBN-13:... $18.40 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view E-Artnow A History of the Roman Empire: From its Foundation to the Death of Marcus Aurelius: 27 B.C. - 180 A.D. A History of the Roman Empire: From its Foundation to the Death of Marcus Aurelius: 27 B.C. - 180 A.D.Author: John Bagnell BuryPublisher: E-ArtnowPublication Date: Dec 14, 2020Number of Pages: 384... $13.40 $12.19 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 14% Quick view E-Artnow A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH & THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND (Illustrated): Lost World Classics - A Thrilling Saga of Wondrous Adventure, Mystery and Excerpt: "On the 24th of May, 1863, my uncle, Professor Liedenbrock, rushed into his little house, No. 19 K?nigstrasse, one of the oldest streets in the oldest portion of the city of Hamburg . . ."... $36.20 $31.22 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains - 9788027308767 A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains is a travel book, by Isabella Bird, describing her 1873 trip to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. The book is a compilation of letters that Isabella Bird wrote to... $9.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view E-Artnow A Legend of Montrose: Historical Novel A Legend of Montrose takes place during the Earl of Montrose's Highland campaign on behalf of King Charles I. The story deals with a love triangle between Allan M'Aulay, his friend the Earl of... $9.67 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart