Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Blight Ideas THE UNITED STATES IS ONE OF THE WORLD'S WEALTHIEST COUNTRIES. SO WHY DON'T AMERICAN CITIES LOOK THE PART? Americans are on average richer and better employed than their counterparts in Canada,... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Divine Love / Divine Intolerance "What to tolerate; what not to tolerate?" This is perhaps the most important question our nation, as well as other Western nations, must consider today. What gives this question its crucial... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Dog Robber World War II has just ended, and in the chaos of Postwar Germany, Private Jim Colling finds that the occupation affords opportunities for significant financial gain to a resourceful American soldier... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Glass Backwards Warning: Glass Backwards is lies. It is perversion. It is darkness. It is sin. Eschew it as you spurn its author. Your world is perfection. I am perfection. Your world is light. I am light. Love me,... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Jason and the Astronauts Travel along with Jason, a gifted tenth-grader who discovers his sense of inquiry in his quest for Truth, his "Golden Fleece." The cauldron of his metamorphosis is a mix of "programmed education,"... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Khakhanate Book I: The Raven Khakhanate Book I: The RavenAuthor: Thomas LankenauPublisher: Elderberry Press (OR)Publication Date: Jun 11, 2007Number of Pages: 680 pagesBinding: Paperback or SoftbackISBN-10: 1932762817ISBN-13:... $23.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
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Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Marching on This book provides vignettes of the author's experiences that will be of great interest to anyone interested in America's involvement in world affairs beginning with World War II to the present. As... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Mountain Tiger: Jim Colling Adventure Series Book V It is the summer of 1952, and the Korean War has settled into a bitter and deadly stalemate along the 38th Parallel. In disfavor with his CIA superiors, Jim Colling has been reassigned as an infantry... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) No Back-Up Needed: How Veteran New York City Cops Struggled Through the Summer of 1975, When New York City Went Broke It didn't seem possible the largest city in the US could go bankrupt, but in 1975 that's exactly what happened-NYC went bust. In what was called The Layoff Period, younger officers were sent home,... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) RAM's Horn World War II has been over for three years, and Jim Colling's Army enlistment has ended. He has returned to the States after more than two years with the occupation in postwar Germany. Colling... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Rat Line World War II has been over for 2 years, and the Iron Curtain is firmly in place between East and West. Tech-four Jim Colling, a member of the U.S. occupation force in Germany, is looking forward to... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Seraphim and Bear It is 1954, and the Cold War is being waged globally with even greater vigor between the West and Communism. In the sixth novel in the Jim Colling series, Seraphim and Bear, Colling finds himself on... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 6% Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) The Bible Is a Parable: A Middle Ground Between Science and Religion From the most ancient indicators of intellect, to the most modern of all discoveries, has come an amalgamation of this endless quest for knowledge into the never-ending story of everything. Within... $32.95 $30.89 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
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Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) The Place "My good friend, Jerry McGowan, is "connected" to that spirit world that lies beyond. It behooves all who seek confidence from learning that a mystic realm does await us all. Jerry's real-life... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) The United States Coast Guard: 1790 to the Present The United States Coast Guard traces its origins to 1790, but was not officially named until 1915. At last there is one definitive volume describing its history from inception to the present. The... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) The USCG on the Great Lakes The United States Coast Guard traces its origins to 1790, but was not officially named until 1915. At last there is one definitive volume describing its history on The Great Lakes from inception to... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) The War Against Men I had become aware of and concerned in recent years about the number of friends and acquaintances who were being savagely victimized by the women in their lives. Premature deaths, extra-marital... $22.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Understanding the Global Warming Hoax: Expanded and Updated IS GLOBAL WARMING A HOAX? Isn't it time you read the facts? The propaganda of man-made global warming has been promoted by those with a political agenda by suppressing the truth and spreading fear... $11.91 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) White Eagle It is 1951, and the Korean War is in its second year. Called back to active duty, Jim Colling accepts the offer of a direct commission, with assignment to Signal Corps intelligence in Europe. On... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) Why Worry about the Gradual Loss of Our Liberties? In the light of widespread incomplete understanding and appreciation of the powerful and successful system of Capitalism, Dr. Wood has undertaken the project of clarification of the true concepts of... $13.38 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Elderberry Press (OR) World War II Letters and Notes of Colonel James H. Polk: 1944-1945 Firsthand and personal account of the campaign to fefeat the Nazi army in France and Germany through the unique perspective of Col. Polk's letters to his wife.Serving as C.O. of the 3rd Cavalry Group... $19.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart