Quick view Greater Mysteries Publications Following Christ Across The Threshold: The Non-Initiate's Guide To Entering The Spiritual World THROUGHOUT THE MODERN age there has been a strong, commonly-held misconception (among religious and non-religious persons alike) that if there truly exists a spiritual world beyond the physical, it... $12.62 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Greater Mysteries Publications From Darkness To Light: Divine Love And The Transmutation Of Evil IN THE LIGHT of spiritual science, never before in the history of the world has there been such an assailment of supernatural evil upon humanity as extensive and intense as there exists at the... $13.39 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Greater Mysteries Publications Gender And Sexuality: In Light Of Esoteric Science SINCE THE DAWN of mankind, human beings have unquestioningly accepted the self-evident biological truth that there are only two distinct sexes - male and female. Furthermore, this truth was... $12.62 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Greater Mysteries Publications Mary And The Divine Sophia: The Salvation Of Universal Wisdom NO DOUBT, anyone interested in Christian esotericism will have noticed that there is a widespread modern-day revival of interest in the ancient gnostic concept of "Sophia" amongst a strange diversity... $12.47 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Greater Mysteries Publications The Greater Mysteries Of The Divine Trinity, The Logos-Word And Creation The Divine Trinity - the greatest of all Christian mysteries. How is it that the one God is a unity of three divine persons? Christ-Jesus first revealed this mystery to his disciples when on earth... $12.62 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart