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Sale 9% Quick view Green Light Studios Keyboard Lessons: Comprehensive Beginner's Guide To Learn The Realms Of Keyboard Chords And Scales To Perfection - 9781088211984 Imagine you're seated at a grand piano in front of a huge audience. Your fingers are dancing across the keys expertly as you perform a beautiful melody. The notes from your piano fill the room,... $19.99 $18.16 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Green Light Studios Keyboard Lessons: Tips And Tricks To Keyboard Mastery - 9781088212479 This quote from the famous Chinese musician, Lang Lang, is his advice to new pianists on how they can become a better piano player. It might seem like a clich?, but after years of hard work,... $19.99 $18.16 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Green Light Studios Lecciones De Teclado: Gu?a Completa Para Principiantes Para Aprender A La Perfecci?n Los Acordes Y Escalas De Teclado (Spanish Edition) Imagine que est? sentado ante un piano de cola frente a un p?blico enorme. Sus dedos bailan expertamente sobre las teclas mientras interpreta una hermosa melod?a. Las notas de su piano llenan la... $19.99 $18.16 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
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Sale 9% Quick view Green Light Studios Lecciones De Teclado: Trucos Y Consejos Para Dominar El Teclado (Spanish Edition) - 9781088205068 Esta cita del famoso m?sico chino Lang Lang es un consejo que da a los pianistas noveles sobre c?mo mejorar su t?cnica. Puede parecer un t?pico, pero tras a?os de duro trabajo, experiencia y... $19.99 $18.16 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart