Quick view Hans Wrang Childhood Memories A selection of memories, both good and bad from growing up on a small farm in Southern Jutland, Denmark.In no particular order, neither by year or by topic, but just as they crowded in as I started... $9.07 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Hans Wrang The Adventures of Gammelnok Gammelnok left his village in northern Norway after it was completely destroyed by marauding Norsemen, who also murdered all the villagers including Gammelnok's family. He then spent many years with... $19.29 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Hans Wrang The Azalea Murder Having read the booklet: Be a Buddy not a Bully, Jesper has recovered his self esteem and is now out to pay his nemesis back for all the hurt he has suffered.But he finds the bully dead and is now... $12.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Hans Wrang The Good Life in a Hilltop Village A group of friends are followed during the time of the Franco regime, from The day the music died and until Franco died.The life and events affecting these friends are based on recollections by... $12.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Hans Wrang The Tree Dwellers A row of 24 Holm Oak trees line the street.In its branches reside many Tree Dwellers of all ages.If one is lucky to spot a Tree Dweller, the impression is fleeting and one would question oneself if... $12.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Hans Wrang Una vida buena en ub pueblo blanco Un grupo de amigos es seguido durante la ?poca del r?gimen franquista, desde el d?a en que muri? la m?sica hasta que muri? Franco. La vida y los acontecimientos que afectan a estos amigos est?n... $9.98 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart