Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Aids and Local Government in South Africa: Examining the Impact of an Epidemic on Ward Councillors Aids and Local Government in South Africa studies the impact of HIV/AIDS on the political system of 12 local municipalities in South Africa. This exploratory study by democracy institute Idasa... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Brain Drain of Health Professionals Fro One of the critical challenges facing Africa is how to harness the potential of internal and international migration in the interests of development. The Southern African Migration Project (SAMP) is... $38.57 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Budget Transparency and Participation 2 This study is the product of a comparative research project examining government transparency and civil participation in nine African countries. The project involved civil society organisations in... $82.01 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Capacity-Building for Community Organisations Community-based organisations (CBOs) play an increasingly relevant role in Africa. They provide services at the level of the local community and civil-society and implement important development... $55.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Civil Society and the Zuma Government A healthy democracy needs a government that understands that it has to share some of its power with civil society, the realm in which citizens acquire a voice, enabling them to ensure that government... $40.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Democracy in the Time of Mbeki In line with common efforts to measure the state of democracy in countries around the world, this study documents the results of a 'democratic audit' of South Africa. The survey was carried out by... $62.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Democratisation in the Age of HIV AIDS This publication presents the results of the three principal, and complimentary, research projects: the findings of the pilot project in Zambia in 2003; the key findings of the South African study... $37.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Developing a Transformation Agenda for Zimbabwe Developing a Transformation Agenda for Zimbabwe analyses the political and economic constraints on the nation's reconstruction and democratic transformation and suggests options for transformation in... $40.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Facing Climate Change. Building South Africa's Strategy When it comes to Climate Change the gap between what we are doing and what we need to do is vast. Developing a plan to get us from where we are to where we need to be is now one of the most important... $51.32 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Funding the Fight This multi-country and intercontinental study examines how the governments of four African counties - Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa and Namibia; and five Latin American countries - Argentina,... $82.01 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Gender, Migration and Remittances in Southern Africa Migrant remittances have become an important source of income for many developing countries, exceeding official development assistance. As a result, migration and remittance behaviour are becoming a... $38.57 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Haemorrhage of Health Professionals Fro This paper reports the results of a survey of health professionals in South Africa conducted in 2005-6 by SAMP. Since there is no single reliable database for all practicing health professionals,... $35.39 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa HIV/AIDS and Democratic Governance in So Part of a continent-wide study being carried out by the Governance and AIDS Programme of the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA), this book brings together the most recent and substantive... $62.37 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa HIV/AIDS Financing and Spending in Eastern and Southern Africa Substantial financial and human resources from donors, governments, civil society organisations and the private sector have been committed to fighting HIV/AIDS since it was first discovered in Africa... $52.38 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa How do Children with Disabilities experience Poverty, Disability and Service Delivery This report is based on information gathered in participatory workshops held with children who have disabilities around South Africa: in KwaZulu-Natal, the Eastern Cape, Limpopo, the Western Cape,... $35.39 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Implementing the Public Finance Management Act in South Africa. How Far Are We? The implementation of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), 1999 is reviewed in this book, focussing on the development and reform of financial governance arrangements after 2000. South Africa... $40.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Inheriting Poverty? South African legislation, as well as international conventions like the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child which have been... $55.56 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Investigating the Implications of Ten Ye This study analyses ten years of South Africa's government budgets from a gender perspective. It considers the budgets of four government departments - Labour, Social Development, Justice and... $41.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Linking Migration, HIV/AIDS and Urban F The Southern African Migration Project is a collaborative project and this paper is published jointly by IDASA in Cape Town and Queen's University, Canada. It seeks to establish a background for... $41.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Medical Recruiting: The Case of South AF One of the critical challenges facing Africa is how to harness the potential of internal and international migration in the interests of development. The Southern African Migration Project (SAMP) is... $41.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Migrant Remittances and Household Surviv Migrant remittances are now recognised as an important source of global development finance and there is increasing evidence that international remittances have considerable developmental impacts... $40.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Migration and Dev. in Africa - Overview The Southern Africa Migration Project (SAPM) launches its new series on migration and development. Migration has been an integral aspect of the labour markets across much of Africa for at least the... $52.38 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Migration and Development in Mozambique: Poverty, Inequality and Survival Despite Mozambique's relatively high economic growth rate, there has been little absorption of unskilled workers. The urban informal sector has become unattractive to the rural poor, as competition... $37.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Migration, Remittances and Development The relationship between migration, development and remittances in Lesotho has been exhaustively studied for the period up to 1990. This was an era when the vast majority of migrants from Lesotho... $48.14 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Migration, Remittances and Development in Southern Africa Migrant remittances are a focus of attention worldwide, with debates raging on their impact on poverty alleviation. Less well known is that over a third of remittances to underdeveloped countries... $37.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Migration-Induced HIV and AIDS in Rural Mozambique and Swaziland South Africa's gold mining workforce has the highest prevalence rates of tuberculosis and HIV infection of any industrial sector in the country. The contract migrant labour system, which has long... $40.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Monitoring Child Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa: Achievements and Challenges This study evaluates qualitatively the government's programming and budgeting for children rights to basic nutrition, health services, social services and education thus far, measured against the... $69.30 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Parliament, Politics and Aids The HIV/AIDS pandemic is increasingly being acknowledged as a growing governance challenge. As HIV/AIDS hinders economic and social growth by draining poor nations of their children, workers and... $37.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Parliament, the Budget and Poverty in South Africa: A Shift in Power Effective and transparent government budgeting is vital to any democracy. In South Africa, massive poverty, inequality and unemployment remain, despite the successful political transformation,... $41.76 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Institute for Democracy in South Africa Perspectives on African Governance This overview publication on governance in Africa is the outcome of the collaborative Centre for Governance in Africa, a partnership between IDASA and the Norwegian Fredskorpset (Volunteer Service)... $40.70 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart