Quick view Mandrake A German Stargazer's Book of Astrology ((Astronomia Teutsch Astronomei 1545) A German Stargazer's Book of Astrology is the first English translation of Astronomia Teutsch Astronomei, published in 1545 in Frankfurt am Main. The original work was one of the earliest... $25.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Aleister Crowley: A Modern Master Aleister Crowley's appeal on the level of popular culture has been well catered for by a number of biographies that have appeared in recent years, but the more intellectual side to him, which is... $22.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Becoming Magick Becoming Magick: New & Revised Magicks for the New Aeon Drawing on over twenty years of magickal work in a variety of systems, this book is a forward-looking manual full of new material and... $24.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Beneath the Pleasure Zones: The Rupture When Lucas Beardsley blundered into the Qliphothic Forces of the Polyverse, Britain's reality-consensus was drastically disrupted. Everyday causality was never quite the same again... Now Londoners... $19.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Bright from the Well: Northern Tales in the Modern World 'Bright From the Well' consists of five stories plus five essays and a rune-poem. The stories revolve around themes from Norse myth - the marriage of Frey and Gerd, the story of how Gullveig-Heidh... $23.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Caliban's Redemption In this collection of surrealist prose-poetry and Dada versicles, Parry's alter-ego Caliban muses on queer sexuality and existential seclusion from the perspective of Shakespearean Noir. Moreover, by... $18.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Mandrake Cauldron of the Gods: a manual of Celtic magick 25-40% depending on the order - higher discounts by arrangementAuthor: Jan FriesPublisher: MandrakePublication Date: May 06, 2005Number of Pages: 556 pagesBinding: Paperback or SoftbackISBN-10:... $35.99 $33.53 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Chaotopia! Sorcery and Ecstasy in the Fifth Aeon 'Once one is fairly competent at practical sorcery, there is little of importance that remains to be said or read about the subject; the magician at this point tends to emphasize inner development in... $24.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Crowley - A Beginners Guide Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Nearly seventy years after his death Aleister Crowley, the notorious Beast 666, is only just beginning to attract serious academic attention. Even so... $14.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Deep Magic Begins Here: Tales and Techniques of Practical Occultism Tales and techniques of practical occultism From the mysteries of Witchcraft to tales of the Elder Gods, Deep Magick is a journal written during the long dark night of the soul. Comprising a number... $22.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Elmer Crowley Bless me, curse me. For better or worse, my fallopian fall into matter. . . After making careful preparations to ensure himself a proper reincarnation, the dying ALEISTER CROWLEY flubs one syllable... $22.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Exhumation of a Murder: The Life & Trial of Major Armstrong Exhumation of A Murder is a comprehensive study of the case of Major Armstrong, the celebrated Hay Poisoner, one of the most notorious murderers of the twentieth century and the only solicitor ever... $24.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Gateway to Hell Child psychologist Nicola Grainger and her husband Howard have chosen to remain childless, but when Nicola's sister and her husband are killed in a car accident in Egypt, Nicola feels duty bound to... $22.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Mandrake Handbook for Rebels and Outlaws A-Z of Rebels and Outlaws: Blasphemy; Terrorism (History and Practice); Megaterrorism (Biological Weapons, Chemical Weapons, and Nuclear Weapons); Survivalism and Weapons of Mass Destruction;... $28.00 $25.95 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 6% Quick view Mandrake Jack the Ripper in Fact and Fiction In the autumn of 1888 the streets of London were streets of terror. The cause - a series of mysterious and apparently motiveless murders. The victims were all prostitutes. This title presents a... $25.00 $23.42 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Jesus the Sorcerer The most complete summation to date of the New Testament evidence for magical practice by Jesus and the early Christians. The very notion of Jesus being a sorcerer runs so against the grain of the... $23.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 10% Quick view Mandrake Journal for the Academic Study of Magic 2 This volume is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed print publication, covering all areas of magic, witchcraft, paganism and all geographical regions and all historical periods.Author: Dave... $40.00 $36.09 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 10% Quick view Mandrake Journal for the Academic Study of Magic 3 A multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed print publication, covering all areas of magic, witchcraft, paganism etc; all geographical regions and all historical periods. Issue 3: Hannah Sanders - Buffy and... $40.00 $36.09 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 10% Quick view Mandrake Journal for the Academic Study of Magic 4 The Practitioner, The Priest, and The Professor: Perspectives on Self-Initiation in the American Neopagan Community Laubach, Martinie' and Clemons The Trinity of the Hebrew Goddess: A Guided... $40.00 $36.09 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Mandrake Journal for the Academic Study of Magic: Issue 5 Contents Flavius Josephus' Terminology of Magic: Accommodating Jewish Magic to a Roman Audience, / Philip Jewell The Role of Grimoires in the Conjure Tradition / Dan Harms Hermetic/Cabalistic Ritual... $36.00 $32.71 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 9% Quick view Mandrake Kaos Hieroglyphica Kaos Hieroglyphica Alchemy for the New Aeon In the year 1564, Dr John Dee published his work, Monas Hieroglyphica. Its central symbol represented the unity which was the gnosis of the monotheistic... $35.00 $31.86 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 12% Quick view Mandrake Luban The Luban Shu or the 'Book of Luban' or even the 'Luban Classic' is well known to the Chinese-speaking occult community. The book has the same or similar reputation as the Key of Solomon among... $60.00 $52.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Mandrake Magic in the New Testament Early Christians were accused of practicing magic by Jews, pagans, and other Christians. Magic in the New Testament examines magical praxis common to the New Testament, the magical papyri, the Sepher... $26.00 $24.26 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Magick Works: Stories of Occultism in Theory and Practice Enter the world of the occultist: where the spirits of the dead dwell amongst us, where the politics of ecstasy are played out, and where magick spills into every aspect of life. It's all right here;... $24.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Sale 7% Quick view Mandrake Making Talismans: Creating Living Magical Tools for Change and Transformation Discover the secret keys and practical techniques to turn mundane objects into "living entities of power," bringing real change in your life. By pooling magical practices from shamanism, paganism,... $26.00 $24.26 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Mind-Sprung An A-Level drop-out graduates from evicting immigrants during the heyday of the inner-city slum landlords in the 1960s to stripping redundant churches during the early 1970s, before moving to... $22.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Mystical Vampire: The Life and Works of Mabel Collins The characters Mabel Collins, theosophist, novelist, fashion columnist, and anti-vivisection campaigner Madame Blavatsky the extraordinary Russian occultist founder of theosophy, and other eminent... $24.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Now That's What I Call Chaos Magick This book gives the beginner and experienced practitioner alike a modern, 21st century view into the powerful and often misunderstood magical current called 'Chaos Magick'. Written in a clear and... $23.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake P is For Prostitution: An A - Z of a harsh life survived P is for Prostitution is a primer unlike any you will have read before, the ABC approach far from simplistic. Through various episodes the author charts her own insights into addiction and the kind... $22.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Mandrake Pan's Road The ancient hungry stones of Coptos in Upper Egypt have soaked up the stories of the inhabitants along with their blood. When archaeologists unearth a magician's box in the rubble of an ancient... $14.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart