Quick view Melissa Francisco An ka dékouvè éritaj an mwen : 4 granpòtré Afriken É si ou té pé woutouné an tan kòk té ni dan ? Èvè liv-lasa, mwen ka menné-w fè on bèl so an tan-lontan, pou fè-w dékouvè kijan éritaj-aw gran ! Rèn, anprè, géryé, géryè, mété-w alèz a-w, é vin vwè... $24.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Melissa Francisco Conhecendo minha herança : 4 personagens africanos incríveis E se você pudesse voltar no tempo? Com este livro eu quero levá-lo em uma viagem ao passado, para que você possa descobrir como é grande sua herança! Rainha, imperador, guerreiros, sente-se atrás e... $24.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Melissa Francisco Jangat(gëstu) sama ndono : 4 kangam yu Africa Waa so mënon delloo ay waxtu walla ay at ci ganaw? Ak téeré bi, ma ngi lë woo ci ngë dellu ci dëmb ndax ngë xam sa ndono ni mu réyé. Buur bu goor ak bu jigéen, njitt dëkk ya won ak jambaar yu goor ak... $24.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Melissa Francisco Je découvre mon héritage : 4 grands personnages africains Je découvre mon héritage est un ouvrage destiné aux enfants, dans lequel ils découvriront les prouesses de 4 grandes figures africaines au destin fabuleux. À travers ce livre, ils sont invités à... $24.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Melissa Francisco Je découvre mon héritage : 6 souverains africains (2 en 1) Je découvre mon héritage: 6 souverains africains - pour les enfants de 5 à 10 ans Je découvre mon héritage: 6 souverains africains est un livre destiné aux enfants, dans lequel ils découvriront les... $27.25 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Melissa Francisco Kujifunza kuhusu urithi wangu : Watu 4 mashuhuri wa Kiafrika Na ikiwa unaweza kurudi nyuma kwa wakati ? Pamoja na kitabu hiki, ninawaalika kuchukua hatua za nyuma, ili uweze kujua jinsi urithi wako ni mkubwa ! Malkia, Mfalme, shujaa na shujaa, kaa raha na... $24.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Melissa Francisco Learning about My Heritage : 4 Awesome African Figures Learning about my heritage is a children's book in which they will discover the achievements of 4 great African figures with amazing destinies. With this book, they are invited to travel through time... $24.52 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Melissa Francisco Learning about My Heritage : 6 African Sovereigns (2 in 1) Learning about my heritage: 6 African sovereigns - for children aged 5 to 10 Learning about my heritage: 6 African sovereigns is a children's book in which they'll discover the accomplishments of... $27.25 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart