Quick view Memoirs Seeking a New Voice: Autobiographical Perspectives This is a compelling story about the brave recovery of a man whose early life was full of hopelessness, who nevertheless overcame many barriers so that he could become a normal member of society. The... $19.46 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Memoirs The Mahler Family: In the Rise & Fall of the Third Reich 'One does not normally connect Gustav Mahler with the holocaust, which came much later - but the seeds of the persecution were already there, in Vienna, in the ever-present anti-Semitism which Mahler... $30.67 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Memoirs The Murmuring Shell of Time: Reflections on a Sensible Journey St. Columba and T. S. Eliot, St. Hilda of Whitby and the Australian writer Robert Dessaix are all part of a rich interweaving of people and places, historical and current, who became part of Roslin... $22.05 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Memoirs The Mystery of The Kingdom of God on Earth This latest work from Pastor Oghenethoja Umuteme deals with the question of man's duty to God on Earth. All those who have received the Holy Spirit may learn from it. If you read with an open heart,... $23.77 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Memoirs We Escaped to the Country: And it Rained Cats & Dogs - and Donkeys A gift for all animal lovers and for all those who either yearn for that country cottage of their dreams, or have already taken the plunge into the peace and kindliness of country life. And... $14.71 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart