Quick view Money and You! Bank Accounts and Borrowing Money In this high-interest and accessible book, readers will be introduced to the world of bank accounts and borrowing. How do banks work and what do they do with our money? How do you open a bank... $13.05 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Money and You! Running a Business How do you start a business? What are business plans, market research, and profit and loss? What makes a successful businessperson and what happens if your business fails? Delve into these crucial... $13.05 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Money and You! Spending and Budgeting Get a grasp on the vitally important world of spending and budgeting. Topics include spending with cash or credit cards, being an ethical and savvy consumer, making a budget and understanding needs... $13.05 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart