Quick view Myrtlefield House According to Luke Right from the start of his gospel, Luke makes it clear that the story of Jesus is neither ancient myth nor contemporary fable. It is straightforward history. To emphasize this he provides us with... $31.87 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Myrtlefield House An Unshakeable Kingdom The Letter to the Hebrews contains some of the New Testament's best-loved passages as well as some of its most difficult. It has stirred the hearts of generations of Christians with its visions of... $26.41 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Myrtlefield House Changing us for Glory: Daily Readings on God's Transforming Power An old legend tells of a man who looked so often at a face carved by nature's forces into a mountain, that his own face came to resemble the rocky image, and the ideals attributed to the face in the... $21.99 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Myrtlefield House Christianity: Opium or Truth? Is Christianity just a belief that dulls the pain of our existence with dreams that are beautiful but false? Or is it an accurate account of reality, our own condition and God's attitude toward us?... $12.85 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Myrtlefield House In the School of Christ Just before his execution, Jesus Christ invited his disciples to join him at a borrowed house in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. As he faced betrayal, arrest and crucifixion, he taught them... $25.26 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Myrtlefield House Key Bible Concepts How can one book be so widely appreciated and so contested? Millions revere it and many ridicule it, but the Bible is often not allowed to speak for itself. Key Bible Concepts explores and clarifies... $12.85 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Myrtlefield House The Definition of Christianity Who gets to determine what Christianity means? Is it possible to understand its original message after centuries of tradition and conflicting ideas? Gooding and Lennox throw fresh light on these... $11.20 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Myrtlefield House The Riches of Divine Wisdom The wisdom of God is revealed in both Old and New Testaments, but it is impossible to appreciate that wisdom fully if the two are read in isolation. Sometimes the New Testament quotes the Old as... $30.44 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Myrtlefield House True to the Faith The Acts of the Apostles is about more than the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth. By the time the ascended Christ had sent the Holy Spirit to guide his disciples, they had no doubt what... $34.06 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Quick view Myrtlefield House Windows on Paradise: Scenes of Hope and Salvation in the Gospel of Luke What hope can Jesus Christ offer to people who have been damaged by life or rejected by society? Does his gospel have answers for us today as well as for a life to come? He says he has the right to... $12.33 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart