The Treehouse Kids is a whimsical yet fact-filled tale about Spuddy, a young raccoon kit, and his litter-mates growing up in the forest and learning from Mother how to thrive and adapt to change. Spuddy has many adventures along the way. Sometimes he encounters fun and happy moments with his family and other forest creatures. Other times, Spuddy and his siblings meet with dangerous animals or circumstances that threaten their health and safety. Living in the wild means the raccoon kits must remember lessons they have already learned from Mother, and apply them to every new situation that they come across in their daily lives. Spuddy, his brother, and sisters must be wise in order to survive.
Author: Diana Stroble |
Publisher: Diana Stroble |
Publication Date: 1-Sep-21 |
Number of Pages: 90 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 0578937026 |
ISBN-13: 9780578937021 |