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Libros Prof?ticos I: Isa?as, Jerem?as, Lamentaciones, Baruc, Ezequiel Y Daniel (Estudio Biblico Catolico De Libros Liguori) (Spanish Edition)

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Product Code: 9780764825125
ISBN13: 9780764825125
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Libros Prof?ticos I: Isa?as, Jerem?as, Lamentaciones, Baruc, Ezequiel Y Daniel (Estudio Biblico Catolico De Libros Liguori) (Spanish Edition)

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En el mundo antiguo las naciones y los gobernantes buscaban ejercer el poder a traves de la fuerza, de la influencia e -incluso a veces- a traves de idolos. Con el proposito de amonestarlos e inspirarlos, Dios suscito a los profetas. Por ellos Dios nos hizo llegar mensajes de bendiciones, pero tambien de pruebas. Empleando metaforas, imagenes y lenguaje poetico, los profetas nos describen el retrato de un Dios que ama profundamente a su pueblo -especialmente al pobre y al oprimido-. En este libro de la coleccion, el lector estudiara las visiones, las profecias y los vaticinios profeticos entendiendolos mejor en su contexto historico y aplicando su riqueza espiritual a la vida. Este volumen explora a Isaias, Jeremias, Lamentaciones, Baruc, Ezequiel y Daniel. In the ancient world, nations and rulers sought strength in force, influence and, sometimes, strange or material idols. Above these stood the Israelite prophets, messengers from God who brought hard words as well as good news. Using metaphors, imagery, and poetic language, a colorful portrait of God's love for His people, especially the poor and oppressed, is painted. Though they didn't always heed His Word, many found themselves amid the consequences of their actions (or lack thereof), including imminent destruction. In this book the reader will study these visions, prophecies, and oracles, offering historical insight to the messages as well as spiritual insight into the action. This volume explores Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Ezekiel and Daniel.

Author: William Anderson, Rafael Ramirez
Publisher: Libros Liguori
Publication Date: Aug 01, 2017
Number of Pages: 160 pages
Language: Spanish
Binding: Paperback/Religion
ISBN-10: 0764825127
ISBN-13: 9780764825125

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