Bernard was an ordinary everyday lazy house cat who lived with his family, the Browntingales, until one night while Bernard was out scavenging he encounters Maximillian Von Strangfelt and his life changed, forever. The adventure begins for a cat that is very different from all of the other animals. With his unusual eating habits and a sense for fairness being different is not easy for Bernard. Realizing that he can no longer stay with the Browntingales he goes on a quest for a new home, friendship and his place in the world.
Author: Antony Bowers Smith |
Publisher: Pants On Fire Press |
Publication Date: Mar 16, 2017 |
Number of Pages: 264 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 0982727143 |
ISBN-13: 9780982727140 |