Cómo Entender La Biblia (Spanish Edition) - 9780986245459
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Alguna vez sonaste con entender mejor la Biblia? Casi todos lo hacemos. Creyentes maduros y nuevos creyentes. Jovenes y ancianos. Aquellos que hemos leido la Biblia durante anos y quienes apenas comienzan la aventura. Este libro te ayudara a adquirir una perspectiva general del flujo y el significado de la Escritura. Aborda cuestiones como: Cual es el panorama general de la Biblia? Que traduccion biblica deberia usar? Como deberiamos entender las historias del Antiguo Testamento? Como deberiamos interpretar aquello que los profetas tenian para decir? Como deberiamos entender las ensenanzas de Jesus? Que enseno Jesus mediante las parabolas? Como podemos oir la voz de Dios en la Escritura? Cuales son las formas adecuadas de aplicar la Escritura a la vida actual? ... y mucho mas. Conocer mejor la Biblia implica conocer mejor a Dios. Solo asi podremos ser mas capaces de enfrentar las duras realidades de la vida y comprender el amor y la verdad de Dios. * * * * * Do you ever wish you understood the Bible better? Almost everyone does. Mature believers and new believers. Young and old. Those who have read the Bible for years and those just starting out. This book, "How to Understand the Bible: A Simple Guide," will help you gain an overall perspective on the flow and meaning of Scripture. It addresses questions like: What is the Big Picture of the Bible? What About Bible Translations? How Should We Understand the Stories of the Old Testament? How Should We Interpret What the Prophets Had to Say? How Should We Understand the Teachings of Jesus? What Was Jesus Teaching in the Parables? How Can We Hear God's Voice in Scripture? What are the Proper Ways to Apply Scripture to Life Today? ... and much more. Knowing the Bible better is about knowing God better. And then we are better able to handle the hard realities of life and to realize the love and truth of God."
Author: Mel Lawrenz |
Publisher: Wordway |
Publication Date: May 29, 2015 |
Number of Pages: 150 pages |
Language: Spanish |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 0986245453 |
ISBN-13: 9780986245459 |
Cómo Entender La Biblia (Spanish Edition) - 9780986245459
Alguna vez sonaste con entender mejor la Biblia? Casi todos lo hacemos. Creyentes maduros y nuevos creyentes. Jovenes y ancianos. Aquellos que hemos leido la Biblia durante anos y quienes apenas comienzan la aventura. Este libro te ayudara a adquirir una perspectiva general del flujo y el significado de la Escritura. Aborda cuestiones como: Cual es el panorama general de la Biblia? Que traduccion biblica deberia usar? Como deberiamos entender las historias del Antiguo Testamento? Como deberiamos interpretar aquello que los profetas tenian para decir? Como deberiamos entender las ensenanzas de Jesus? Que enseno Jesus mediante las parabolas? Como podemos oir la voz de Dios en la Escritura? Cuales son las formas adecuadas de aplicar la Escritura a la vida actual? ... y mucho mas. Conocer mejor la Biblia implica conocer mejor a Dios. Solo asi podremos ser mas capaces de enfrentar las duras realidades de la vida y comprender el amor y la verdad de Dios. * * * * * Do you ever wish you understood the Bible better? Almost everyone does. Mature believers and new believers. Young and old. Those who have read the Bible for years and those just starting out. This book, "How to Understand the Bible: A Simple Guide," will help you gain an overall perspective on the flow and meaning of Scripture. It addresses questions like: What is the Big Picture of the Bible? What About Bible Translations? How Should We Understand the Stories of the Old Testament? How Should We Interpret What the Prophets Had to Say? How Should We Understand the Teachings of Jesus? What Was Jesus Teaching in the Parables? How Can We Hear God's Voice in Scripture? What are the Proper Ways to Apply Scripture to Life Today? ... and much more. Knowing the Bible better is about knowing God better. And then we are better able to handle the hard realities of life and to realize the love and truth of God."
Author: Mel Lawrenz |
Publisher: Wordway |
Publication Date: May 29, 2015 |
Number of Pages: 150 pages |
Language: Spanish |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 0986245453 |
ISBN-13: 9780986245459 |