Independently Published
The Happiest Man In Hollywood: How To Attract, Keep, And Build A Great Relationship With The Right Woman For You
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The Happiest Man In Hollywood: How To Attract, Keep, And Build A Great Relationship With The Right Woman For You
A Modern, Proven, 10-Step Dating and Relationship System for Men Based on Time-Tested Yet Forgotten Ancient Wisdom... Join 3 regular guys from Los Angeles: Jason, a young professional who will do anything to get his ex back... His retired friend George, a recent widower who hasn't decided whether or not he wants to date again... And George's grandson Alex, a university student who just wants to go on an adventure... ...on their quest to seek out The Wisest Relationship Guru for Men in the World all the way up in the rugged Himalayan mountains of India and discover THE TRUTH about attraction, love, and romantic relationships. Sit with them as the Guru reveals the 7 KEY LESSONS that allow you to attract, keep, and build a great relationship with the right woman for you in this one-of-a-kind, entertaining, best-selling non-fiction book based on almost two decades of research and real-world testing. If you want to: *Attract, keep, and build a great relationship with the right woman for you... *Make sure she falls and stays deeply in love with you... *Make sure she never even thinks about leaving you, cheating on you, or taking your assets and maybe even your children away from you... *And you want to learn about this SERIOUS topic in a lighthearted, fun, entertaining way... ...then this book was written just for you. You Will Discover: *The ONLY 4 things that make a woman fall in love with a man and exactly how to apply them, step-by-step, to make a woman fall deeply in love with you... *The 4 factors that KEEP a woman in love with you as long as you want to be with her and exactly how to apply them (they are not the same 4 things that make her fall in love)... *A PROVEN 10-step plan that allows you to identify the right woman for you and make her your adoring, loyal, committed girlfriend or wife... *How to make attractive behaviors NATURAL to you so they become effortless and so you can be yourself... *The most common mistakes YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST avoid if you don't want a woman to lose interest in you... *How a woman TESTS you and how to pass all of her tests with flying colors... *How to tell if a woman's genuinely interested in you or if she has some other agenda... *How to know FOR SURE if a woman is TRULY the best choice for you... *How to make 100% sure a woman never leaves you or cheats on you and protect yourself from future pain and suffering... *Relationship skills that make you the kind of boyfriend or husband she brags to her friends and family about... *How to create a relationship that keeps both of you satisfied even if you've been together for DECADES... *How to unleash your genuine confidence from within so you can take the actions you must take to attract, keep, and build a great relationship with the right woman for you instead of settling... *EXACTLY what to do from the first moment you meet the right woman for you until you've been with her for decades if you want her to fall and stay deeply in love with you... Now, here's something that might shock you: Women are actually CONSISTENT in their dating and relationship behaviors... So, once you understand how things really work, you'll be much more successful in your dealings with women. And, by the time you finish reading The Happiest Man in Hollywood, not only will you be able to attract, keep, and build a great relationship with the right woman for you, you'll also be able to PROTECT YOURSELF from the pain and suffering that comes from choosing the wrong woman or from the right woman falling out of love with you. So, end your pain and confusion about women FOREVER... Start reading The Happiest Man in Hollywood right now.
Author: Jim Wolfe |
Publisher: Independently published |
Publication Date: Jul 15, 2019 |
Number of Pages: 253 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 107540097X |
ISBN-13: 9781075400971 |