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Coo'ee - you are being signalled from afar and being called! The world is in crises today. Mankind is desperate - whom to turn to, who to trust? It is transparently clear that the world leaders are at loggerheads and seem more interested in disagreeing than in agreeing with each other! Local, county and national agreements are also rare sights. The flock is shepherdless and groping in the dark and are in danger of falling into a deep, smooth-walled well. We have looked to man for guidance and leadership. We thought that if our organizations became bigger, the pool of wisdom would be enlarged and that fair, sane and healthy solutions would ensue. Tehy didn't. Bigger organizations resulted in stalemate games where vetos were used to obstruct and to protect interests. These blocs seem to creep forward at a glacial pace whilst the world's problems are sprinting ahead and out of control. It's about time we gave God a chance! He is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. I am not talking about a regional or national god/s based on divisive religion - but the One God that is encounted within by the individual! He is the Answer. He is coo'eeing us to tune-in and listen to what He has to say - our survival and our planet depends on it! 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 (Old Testament - the Holy Bible) "IF my people, who are called by my name, will HUMBLE themselves and PRAY and SEEK my face and TURN FROM from their wicked ways, THEN will I HEAR from heaven and will FORGIVE their sin and HEAL their land."
Author: Kimberley Stone |
Publisher: BalboaPress |
Publication Date: May 19, 2017 |
Number of Pages: 164 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback/SELF-HELP |
ISBN-10: 150437407X |
ISBN-13: 9781504374071 |