Author Robert McNally is a retired Insurance Auditor who has recaptured his youth in a trilogy. This is the third book. It's now the author's conviction that he was not convicted, but he was arrested, fingerprinted, interrogated, photographed and locked up. Try and tell that to a bureaucratic bungler from Selective Service, better known in my day as the Draft Board, who changed McNally's classification from 1-A to 4-F. His new card read: Unfit for military service. In reality and based on derring-do, he was about as fit for military service as America's most decorated soldier, Audie Murphy. That alone could be the story of his life. However, there were so many strange happenings for McNally that he had to tell more than a few of them. An interesting one occurred while working for the crematory. He found himself in the company of an internationally known monk who had been unfrocked by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was considered a mad monk even though he was a great friend to the czar of Russia and a chum to a real mad monk, Rasputin. The author was the last person on earth to see him dead. The incident was made note of in the daily newspapers, but McNally did not gain any mention as he had for discovering the first black widow spider in the northeastern states. That little known fact is recorded in the authors' second volume. McNally's dangerous journey loses not a moment in this final installment. The ongoing adventures begin on the first page. Danger for the author never seems to end. But no matter how exciting his adventures, it was falling in love which was the highlight of his young life and to this day a delight to recall. Having reverential feelings for his sweethearts was certainly a good thing. However, the results didn't help romance and usually left him in the doldrums. This volume highlights the dilemma but does not interfere with the excitement and fun. For readers who enjoy looking back to their youth, this book is for them. Those who have read the author's earlier works say they feel as though they are right there with him. If you like getting a vicarious thrill with lots of laughs, go along with him on his dangerous but fun filled journey.
Author: Robert McNally |
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
Publication Date: Aug 16, 2016 |
Number of Pages: 296 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1532826273 |
ISBN-13: 9781532826276 |