Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Writing--By Coincidence: Flowing With Signs & Synchronicity To Write With Passion
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Writing--By Coincidence: Flowing With Signs & Synchronicity To Write With Passion
A scrap of found paper. A face in the crowd. The sound of a song from the street. A sign that pertains to your writing--that answers a question or need. Have you ever had this experience? Come across chance information that felt pertinent and true--a message that helped you to write what you really feel?That's the forgotten part of guidance. The outer signs that happen to occur. The signs that help us write and inspire our muse; the answers that help us share our heartfelt views. "Writing--by Coincidence" is all about these guiding gifts; the meaningful messages and clever clues, that the Universe offers to writers.This book is different--in a curious sort of way--from other titles on writing. For it was written in the flow of what it's about. So as events unfolded pertaining to its topics, it often changed form, with new pages to discover and chapters to tell. Part I delves into the how to: recognizing, understanding, and responding to coincidence. Part II explores the specifics: basic steps of writing a book from first ideas to finished draft, with the aid of meaningful clues. Dozens of incidents that happened during the writing are included throughout, along with their helpful messages.So here's the question. What would you love to write about, through the depth of your heartfelt words, through writing--by coincidence--with passion? Join Jenna on this surprising path and let the adventure begin!
Author: Jenna Moore Fuller |
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
Publication Date: Nov 03, 2016 |
Number of Pages: 181 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1539893219 |
ISBN-13: 9781539893219 |