Was it chance, or destiny, that brought ten men together in the wild country of west Texas? Two brothers from Virginia, one wore blue, one gray; a New York prize fighter and his manager; two young cattlemen returning to claim the inheritance they were denied, and the two friends who came to back them; a Confederate sharpshooter, and a Mexican ex-bandito. All looking for a new start. All wearing their guns and courage for everyone to see. The Texas high plains of 1865 knew no law. The Army had pulled out for the Civil War leaving the country open to the law of the strongest, and Amidio Vasquez's band of renegades ruled. No peaceful village or settlement was safe from Vasquez's raids. Death and fear were left in his wake, while men, women, and children were stolen away to be sold as slaves to unscrupulous mine owners. Then came the day Vasquez made a fatal mistake. Contracted by ruthless land baron Mat Travers to bring slaves to his Jumanes Mountains stronghold to work his mines, Vasquez filled the order by raiding a Franciscan mission, seizing the friars and orphaned children living there. That was the day ten men, whose only ties to each other was a Code of Honor, decided it was time to put an end to Amidio Vasquez and reclaim the high plains from the lawless.
Author: Dave P. Fisher |
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
Publication Date: Mar 09, 2017 |
Number of Pages: 324 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 154428649X |
ISBN-13: 9781544286495 |