The second 56-days of Trump's Administration continued the calls to "DUMP TRUMP." It was a strange time, one that saw a nation turn against its elected president practically on the day he was elected. It was a curious time when the ramifications of the movement were acknowledged only by the Grand Dragon of the KKK - it was a movement to elevate Mike Pence to the status of POTUS PENCE, and, by so doing, place a far Right-wing Theocrat in charge of a Right-wing majority House and Senate. Numerous authors would eventually describe how the Trumps echoed and followed Adolf Hitler, and, in this period, they would also draw parallels to Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon. Few, if any, would dare draw parallels to PT Barnum. Barnum, a showman with the skills emulated by Trump, had a deep belief in America as the land of opportunity, and, more important, a deep belief in Health as the basis of all Wealth. In this second book of the Trump Card series, the author -- who was himself Director of Real Estate for one of New York City's most politically connected Law Firms -- continues to view Trump's style through the eyes of a New York Realtor and Internationally recognized Financial Executive. He understands what the media is seeing. But he also sees they are missing the reality of the world stage - the reality of a Globalism which 'trumps' the Nationalist-Popularism infecting so many nations. America is a nation built on "nepotism" and the advantages derived from "exploiting parental connections." America is a nation proud of its Colonial Roots, and equally proud of its more recent immigrant history. But it is also a nation of people who find it difficult to reconcile the two realities and being one-in-the-same. America is a nation which has yet to outgrow the sense of "the other" as being the enemy. Nor has it come to realize that the instinctive distrust must be set aside - it is a reality of the Golden Rule which is known but not understood: what you do to your neighbor, you are actually doing to yourself. In the second cycle, while America attacks itself and undermines its own institutions, other nations are returning to their ancient roots or levels of global influence and power. But as predicted in Book One, While all eyes were focused on the first 100-days, it wasn't until the last hours of day-112 that rhetoric began to become reshape into reality. And it wasn't until the next day, the 57th day of the second cycle, or what was the first day of the third cycle, that the makings of history which could define the 21st century would begin to emerge.
Author: W. Lawrence Lipton |
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
Publication Date: May 17, 2017 |
Number of Pages: 172 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1546654119 |
ISBN-13: 9781546654117 |