DOES A BREAKAWAY RACE OF ULTRA-TERRESTRIALS HAVE A UFO BASE BENEATH THE SEA? HAVE HUMANS BEEN ABDUCTED AND TAKEN TO SOME DEEP UNDERWATER ?CHAMBER OF HORRORS UNDER WATER UFO TAKES ABDUCTEE TO OCEANIC BASE FOR EXAMINATION AND RE PROGRAMMING Unidentified Submerged Objects USO -- Have Been Observed Descending Into Bodies Of Water All Over The World. . .There Is Now Evidence That They Have Established Several Deep Sea Instillations Around The Globe. The abduction experience of Filiberto Cardenas is in a class by itself! When the events originally transpired, Cardenas s story was the lead item on the nightly news on every Hispanic TV station imaginable coming at the height of an unparalleled UFO wave, and the beginning of the abduction scenario as we have come to accept it today. To a stunned audience of millions, Cardenas told how he was lifted up onboard a craft in front of multiple witnesses. Investigators later backed up his account upon determining that there were anomalies with the engine block of the car that he was driving at the time and which had stalled for no apparent reason. But this is the least of what transpired. . . For here in UFO ABDUCTION FROM UNDERSEA, is Filiberto Cardenas full story as told by Dr Virgillio Sanchez-Ocejo and Lt Col. Wendelle Stevens (Ret.), including the complete documented and ILLUSTRATED -- report on the incident which involved: Two Abductions Onto The Alien Spacecraft. Elevated Aboard In A Beam of Light. Physical Examination By Alien Beings. A Trip As Guest Aboard The Other Worldly Vessel. Several Varieties of Flying vehicles Used. A Submarine Base Visited By The Witness. A Tour Of The Alien s Earth Facilities. Conversations With The Alien Beings. High-technology Transceiver Implanted In Witnesses Head. Photos Of Flying Discs From Under Sea, As Well As Maps Of Pertinent Locations. This is essentially a well documented case that has gained credibility over the years since the incident in question occurred. New evidence is being added all the time that the ?visitors? can come and go in our oceans and other bodies of water all will. Is the capability of abduction humans and examining them the only reason they have gone beyond human sight and sound in order to keep to themselves?
Author: Lt Col Wendelle C. Stevens Ret |
Publisher: Inner Light - Global Communications |
Publication Date: Nov 02, 2012 |
Number of Pages: 230 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 1606110462 |
ISBN-13: 9781606110461 |