Here is a mystery that stretches from the madhouse to the White House. . .From superstition to scientific knowledge. . .From the forgotten past to the present! -- There are those who support Richard Shaver in his honey comb of caverns the world over populated by a demented race known as the Dero, the greatest evil the earth has ever know. This is his story in his own words and others who have undergone the same hellish nightmare. . . -- In this edition of this epic series, Shaver contributes two shocking stories: FORMULA FROM THE UNDERGROUND: THE WOMB OF TITAN and, THE RED LEGION: STRUGGLE OF NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE CAVERNS. . .Plus you will be enthralled by the feature on The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, is it possible they have gone "underground.?"
Author: Ray Palmer |
Publisher: Inner Light - Global Communications |
Publication Date: Jun 04, 2014 |
Number of Pages: 204 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 1606110896 |
ISBN-13: 9781606110898 |