All fullness dwells in Christ. Reader, come ponder--praise--admire--adore Him. Those who know Him, never can commend enough. Ignorance alone neglects--despises--disesteems Him. The neediest of needy sinners find all supply in Him. He is salvation's overflowing well. He fills all vessels, so that they can hold no more. He is a treasure-house, in which gold never fails. Let the surface of this truth be touched. You are sin-soiled. Here is a fountain of all-cleansing blood. Wash, and be whiter, than the spotless snow. Satan, and SELF, and life-long trespasses condemn you. Here is Jesus' wounded side, presenting an acquitting plea. Your best obedience is a filthy rag. Here is the righteousness of God--a perfect covering--a glorious robe. Your heart by nature is a lifeless stone. Christ sends His Spirit, and the entrance is life. He is a PRIEST, offering His blood--living to intercede--pouring down blessings. He is a KING--ruling above--within--around. He is a PROPHET, giving all knowledge--leading in wisdom's paths--diffusing floods of light--teaching salvation's lessons.
Author: Henry Law |
Publisher: Bottom of the Hill Publishing |
Publication Date: Jan 01, 2013 |
Number of Pages: 92 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 1612037844 |
ISBN-13: 9781612037844 |