Stephen F. Austin University Press
Daily Devotionals for Superintendents
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Daily Devotionals for Superintendents
Many books have been written about the superintendency and all aspects of it. Additionally, "standards for superintendents" have been written by the American Association for School Administrators (AASA). These eight standards deal with Leadership and District Culture, Policy and Governance, Communications and Community Relations, Organizational Management, Curriculum Planning and Development, Instructional Management, Human Resource Management, and Values and Ethics of Leadership. States have standards that mirror these. Texas, for example, put the standards into three domains: Leadership of the Educational Community; Instructional Leadership; and Administrative Leadership. Within these three domains are listed the eight competencies which reflect AASA's eight standards. Daily Devotions for School Superintendents covers many of the standards but really hones in on Competency 1 which reads, "The superintendent knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner in order to promote the success of all students." Containing 366 devotionals written to challenge, encourage, and to daily feed the superintendents as they face the many different situations in their personal lives and in the schools under their leadership, Daily Devotions for School Superintendents looks at all areas of the superintendency and provides daily devotionals from every book in the Bible. In addition, each daily verse is followed with powerful reflections to clearly illustrate and drive the principles home. All verses are taken from the King James version of the Bible and uncover God's presence, power, and provision for directing superintendents in their daily activities.
Author: Kerry Roberts |
Publisher: Stephen F. Austin University Press |
Publication Date: Jun 23, 2014 |
Number of Pages: 400 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 1622880331 |
ISBN-13: 9781622880331 |