It says of Jesus, "He shall not strive, not cry out in the streets. A bruised reed shall he not break, & smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgement unto victory." Is.42:1-2, Mt. 12:19-20. No one was despised by the Lamb of God! As hoboes and homeless are often despised! As we were! And as we traveled to every state but Rhode Island & Alaska, we saw God's love move!!! I was born in Redondo Beach, California, and my husband, John was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He had to hitchhike across country to meet me-(as he had been doing for 7 years before he met me-traveling the highways & bi-ways for Jesus, all over USA). It was a marriage made in Heaven!!! We abode together for nearly 28 years, a seasoned blend! I was born again for less than 2 years, and John, with an ileostomy yet, a seasoned missionary of 7 years- first saved & filled with the Holy Spirit, at 12, at a Kathryn Kuhlman Assembly. I graduated with a B.A, (English/Creative Writing), liked to scuba dive. And at 23 1/2, I met my husband John 37, and enjoyed my newfound freedom of traveling low-style, with a gem of a husband, already fearless in the battles of life! He graduated to Glory at 66 years old, when I was 51 years old in 2006. I am now in Goleta, Ca. and wrote this book around 2008 while in my tent, gorilla camping in an old orchard by the tracks, when I got a nudge from the Lord Jesus to write our story! Since my widowhood, God gave me banquets of love with His songs, I write & sing, via guitar, & drawing pictures about Jesus!!!
Author: Jasmine Gregory |
Publisher: Xulon Press |
Publication Date: January 02, 2021 |
Number of Pages: 176 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1632217775 |
ISBN-13: 9781632217776 |