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Gu? Para Lograr Tus Metas de Napoleon Hill : Los Cuatro Principios Probados del ?ito

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Product Code: 9781640954595
ISBN13: 9781640954595
Condition: New
Del autor del libro cl?ico y atemporal Piense y h?ase rico llega esta gu? transformadora que desvela cuatro principios clave del ?ito, con pasos pr?ticos sobre c?o lograr tus sue?s. Benef?iate de las percepciones duraderas de uno de los autores de autoayuda m? influyentes, Napoleon Hill. Sus filosof?s han facultado a innumerables personas a tomar el control de sus vidas y convertir los sue?s en realidad. En Gu? para lograr tus metas de Napoleon Hill, descubre los cuatro principios fundamentales para el ?ito que Hill ha identificado a lo largo de d?adas de investigaci?. Aprende a incorporar estos principios a tu propia vida para liberar todo tu potencial. Con una introducci? del director ejecutivo de la Fundaci? Napoleon Hill, Don Green, este libro nunca antes publicado ofrece estrategias tangibles y f?iles de implementar para establecer metas y superar obst?ulos. No se trata s?o de teor?; es una gu? pr?tica que traduce las filosof?s de Hill en pasos accionables. El libro incluye citas bellamente dise?das para recordar y preguntas de discusi? para uso personal o estudio en grupo. Aun d?adas despu? de su concepci?, la sabidur? de Hill se mantiene fiel y sigue ofreciendo valor en nuestro mundo contempor?eo. Es un testimonio de la relevancia atemporal de la obra de Hill. La lectura de este libro no s?o te proporcionar?gu? y estrategias para el ?ito, sino que tambi? encender?la motivaci? que necesitas para empezar y seguir adelante. Las inspiradoras palabras de Hill pueden empujarte a no renunciar nunca a tus sue?s, independientemente de los desaf?s a los que te enfrentes. Unlock the path to personal achievement and extraordinary success! From the author of the timeless classic Think and Grow Rich comes this transformative guide that unveils four key principles of success, with practical steps on how to achieve your dreams. Benefit from the enduring insights of one of the most influential self-help authors, Napoleon Hill. His philosophies have empowered countless individuals to take control of their lives and turn dreams into reality. In Napoleon Hill's Guide to Achieving Your Goals discover the four cornerstone principles for success that Hill has identified through decades of research. Learn how to incorporate these principles into your own life to unlock your full potential. Featuring an introduction from the CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Don Green, this never-before-published book offers tangible, easy-to-implement strategies for setting goals and overcoming obstacles. It's not just about theory; it's a practical guide that translates Hill's philosophies into actionable steps. The book includes beautifully designed quotes to remember and discussion questions for personal use or group study. Even decades after its conception, Hill's wisdom stands true and continues to offer value in our contemporary world. It's a testament to the timeless relevance of Hill's work. Reading this book will not only provide guidance and strategies for success but also ignite the motivation you need to get started and keep going. The inspiring words of Hill can push you to never give up on your dreams, regardless of the challenges you face.

Author: Napoleon Hill
Publisher: NA
Publication Date: Oct 01, 2024
Number of Pages: NA pages
Language: Spanish
Binding: Paperback
ISBN-10: 1640954597
ISBN-13: 9781640954595

Gu? Para Lograr Tus Metas de Napoleon Hill : Los Cuatro Principios Probados del ?ito

Del autor del libro cl?ico y atemporal Piense y h?ase rico llega esta gu? transformadora que desvela cuatro principios clave del ?ito, con pasos pr?ticos sobre c?o lograr tus sue?s. Benef?iate de las percepciones duraderas de uno de los autores de autoayuda m? influyentes, Napoleon Hill. Sus filosof?s han facultado a innumerables personas a tomar el control de sus vidas y convertir los sue?s en realidad. En Gu? para lograr tus metas de Napoleon Hill, descubre los cuatro principios fundamentales para el ?ito que Hill ha identificado a lo largo de d?adas de investigaci?. Aprende a incorporar estos principios a tu propia vida para liberar todo tu potencial. Con una introducci? del director ejecutivo de la Fundaci? Napoleon Hill, Don Green, este libro nunca antes publicado ofrece estrategias tangibles y f?iles de implementar para establecer metas y superar obst?ulos. No se trata s?o de teor?; es una gu? pr?tica que traduce las filosof?s de Hill en pasos accionables. El libro incluye citas bellamente dise?das para recordar y preguntas de discusi? para uso personal o estudio en grupo. Aun d?adas despu? de su concepci?, la sabidur? de Hill se mantiene fiel y sigue ofreciendo valor en nuestro mundo contempor?eo. Es un testimonio de la relevancia atemporal de la obra de Hill. La lectura de este libro no s?o te proporcionar?gu? y estrategias para el ?ito, sino que tambi? encender?la motivaci? que necesitas para empezar y seguir adelante. Las inspiradoras palabras de Hill pueden empujarte a no renunciar nunca a tus sue?s, independientemente de los desaf?s a los que te enfrentes. Unlock the path to personal achievement and extraordinary success! From the author of the timeless classic Think and Grow Rich comes this transformative guide that unveils four key principles of success, with practical steps on how to achieve your dreams. Benefit from the enduring insights of one of the most influential self-help authors, Napoleon Hill. His philosophies have empowered countless individuals to take control of their lives and turn dreams into reality. In Napoleon Hill's Guide to Achieving Your Goals discover the four cornerstone principles for success that Hill has identified through decades of research. Learn how to incorporate these principles into your own life to unlock your full potential. Featuring an introduction from the CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Don Green, this never-before-published book offers tangible, easy-to-implement strategies for setting goals and overcoming obstacles. It's not just about theory; it's a practical guide that translates Hill's philosophies into actionable steps. The book includes beautifully designed quotes to remember and discussion questions for personal use or group study. Even decades after its conception, Hill's wisdom stands true and continues to offer value in our contemporary world. It's a testament to the timeless relevance of Hill's work. Reading this book will not only provide guidance and strategies for success but also ignite the motivation you need to get started and keep going. The inspiring words of Hill can push you to never give up on your dreams, regardless of the challenges you face.

Author: Napoleon Hill
Publisher: NA
Publication Date: Oct 01, 2024
Number of Pages: NA pages
Language: Spanish
Binding: Paperback
ISBN-10: 1640954597
ISBN-13: 9781640954595

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