Be One of the FOUNDERS of the New World Government our only hope to control the crazed political ideas now in motion. Print and sign this document and then SHOW your support on all the Social Media. Taking pix of your support will get this historic moment to launch. With millions of people demanding it - a Global Government founded on pure democracy, fairness, equity, justice and liberty for all - there will no longer be any need for war, poverty, jealousy, hate-mongering, racism, pessimism and withdrawal. Print and SIGN Today.It's urgent that you immediately get your copy of this Global Constitution and share it with all of your friends and associates. Humans are on the verge of the greatest catastrophe in the total evolution of life on Earth and so if you do nothing, you will become known as a contributor to the demise of all life on Earth. If you are looking to do something that could halt and even reverse our headlong crash as a civilization, you must read and fully appreciate the world's first attempt to save all human life and all other life on this planet. Extinction is forever. If you are a fan of our Mother Earth - you must learn more.The Global Constitution is the world's first attempt to create a basic set of international rules and regulations that all governments around the world would be forced to obey. All existing international organizations were setup by the five most powerful countries in terms of their military might. These organizations cannot therefore impose the kind of discipline over all member nations because the founding nations are really dictating terms to the rest of the world and so the current attempts to create an International system of governance that can equitably and fairly enforce the rules are foolish and are actually counter-productive. The Global Constitution you are about to read is based on the principles of Freedom, Justice and Equality that the people of only a few nations enjoy. This is the first known attempt to present a Global legal platform to grant the freedoms we all aspire to having more of and present that platform to the world in such a way that it can be debated and eventually adopted by all civilized nations of planet Earth - before it's too late. Over the last few years we have seen the increase of dictatorial powers becoming the De-Facto form of government even as national Constitutions and other traditions have prohibited the concentration of political power on the few or the elite. We have also seen the need for a uniform system of laws throughout the world in order to prevent mass chaos that appears to be spreading around the world like a plague. We currently see the need for more democratic actions, and to counter-act dictatorial decisions, in nations like China, Russia, the European Union, India, and even in the United States, yet we see no way to impose a more fair and just system on all the nations of the world with one stroke of the pen. A Global Constitution is the only way to grant our basic inalienable rights, freedoms, liberty and justice to enough people in time to save the planet from its current path towards almost certain destruction, all made possible by incompetent, inept and corrupt forms of government in existence all around the world today.Our political leaders all over the world pretend that they are all about giving the world or their region a real democracy. But, they do not to ever intend to do that. They are all lying to us about that and the reason is that the minute that we achieve a Real Democracy, especially one that can be completely conducted over the Internet, we will never require their services any longer. AND more importantly, they would no longer be in a position to steal billions of dollars from their own people, nor to threaten Global Thermonuclear War every time they get their knickers in a twist about some perceived insult from another national leader. PRINT AND SIGN THIS DOCUMENT to Help Save Our Earth!
Author: Anonymous |
Publisher: Independently published |
Publication Date: January 06, 2020 |
Number of Pages: 67 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1656662655 |
ISBN-13: 9781656662651 |