Independently Published
The Cat Fight
Product Code:
B?ll ??t ?t his d??k, god h? was t?r?d, this job was ?h?t but h? w?nt?d to eat ?? h? k??t ?t ?t. Old, h? f?lt so ?ld he w?? surprised he m?d? it ?n every d??. After ?ll wh?t d?d he h?v? left t? look forward to? Go home to his cat; ??t a ??ld d?nn?r th?t w?? l?ft?v?r fr?m the night b?f?r?. Ju?t once h? w??h?d h? h?d something d?ff?r?nt ?n h?? l?f? at least a woman fr??nd. Sm?l?ng yeah he th?ught that w?uld be n??? ?r?bl?m, but th?? ?ll saw h?m ?? a ?r??? ?r ?t?lk?r. Sighing he m?d? his way t? th? elevator t? h??d home, stopping a m?m?nt he h?d to g? b??k ?nd get his k???. Stepping b??k ?n the ?ff??? th?r? w?? a ?r??h?ng sound; Bill l??k?d b??k into th? hallway ????ng th?t half th? hall h?d collapsed. Sh?k?ng h?? h??d h? gathered his keys ?nd m?d? h?? w?? down the f?r? ?????? tw?nt? fl??r?. Chr??t he thought, h?'d ?l??? g??d tonight. Th? cat's eyes got w?d? ?g??n; h? had u??d th? t?m? freeze? She h?dn't detected ?t! H?l? crap! H? WAS ?m?rg?ng! O??n?ng up her senses t? their full??t ?h? w?? almost bl?wn ?w?? by the amount ?f ??w?r th?t the h? was ?h?w?ng. S?gh?ng ?nw?rd ?h? h???d h? f?n??h?d ???n ?h? ?? l?ng?d t? walk u?r?ght ?g??n. Sh? understood ?t was h?r dut? but ?t h?d b??n f?v? ???r? n?w! She w??h?d ?h? ??uld k??k ??m? ??n?? ?nt? th? m?n, a r???l ju?t d?dn't d?n? wh? th?? w?r? l?k? this. "Another th?ng Twitty," B?ll ??nt?nu?d. "I ??uld ?w??r ?h? gr?bb?d m? b?tw??n th? legs and w? w?r? r???ll?d ?g??n?t each other in ??????t? d?r??t??n?!" B?ll l??k?d ?t his ??t who he swore had a ?t?rtl?d look ?n h?r f???. "I know ?? I said this h?? got t? b? th? weirdest d?? I th?nk I h?v? ?v?r had. Read through the novel to know more!!!
Author: Liz Smith |
Publisher: Independently published |
Publication Date: October 15, 2019 |
Number of Pages: 158 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1700086774 |
ISBN-13: 9781700086778 |
The Cat Fight
B?ll ??t ?t his d??k, god h? was t?r?d, this job was ?h?t but h? w?nt?d to eat ?? h? k??t ?t ?t. Old, h? f?lt so ?ld he w?? surprised he m?d? it ?n every d??. After ?ll wh?t d?d he h?v? left t? look forward to? Go home to his cat; ??t a ??ld d?nn?r th?t w?? l?ft?v?r fr?m the night b?f?r?. Ju?t once h? w??h?d h? h?d something d?ff?r?nt ?n h?? l?f? at least a woman fr??nd. Sm?l?ng yeah he th?ught that w?uld be n??? ?r?bl?m, but th?? ?ll saw h?m ?? a ?r??? ?r ?t?lk?r. Sighing he m?d? his way t? th? elevator t? h??d home, stopping a m?m?nt he h?d to g? b??k ?nd get his k???. Stepping b??k ?n the ?ff??? th?r? w?? a ?r??h?ng sound; Bill l??k?d b??k into th? hallway ????ng th?t half th? hall h?d collapsed. Sh?k?ng h?? h??d h? gathered his keys ?nd m?d? h?? w?? down the f?r? ?????? tw?nt? fl??r?. Chr??t he thought, h?'d ?l??? g??d tonight. Th? cat's eyes got w?d? ?g??n; h? had u??d th? t?m? freeze? She h?dn't detected ?t! H?l? crap! H? WAS ?m?rg?ng! O??n?ng up her senses t? their full??t ?h? w?? almost bl?wn ?w?? by the amount ?f ??w?r th?t the h? was ?h?w?ng. S?gh?ng ?nw?rd ?h? h???d h? f?n??h?d ???n ?h? ?? l?ng?d t? walk u?r?ght ?g??n. Sh? understood ?t was h?r dut? but ?t h?d b??n f?v? ???r? n?w! She w??h?d ?h? ??uld k??k ??m? ??n?? ?nt? th? m?n, a r???l ju?t d?dn't d?n? wh? th?? w?r? l?k? this. "Another th?ng Twitty," B?ll ??nt?nu?d. "I ??uld ?w??r ?h? gr?bb?d m? b?tw??n th? legs and w? w?r? r???ll?d ?g??n?t each other in ??????t? d?r??t??n?!" B?ll l??k?d ?t his ??t who he swore had a ?t?rtl?d look ?n h?r f???. "I know ?? I said this h?? got t? b? th? weirdest d?? I th?nk I h?v? ?v?r had. Read through the novel to know more!!!
Author: Liz Smith |
Publisher: Independently published |
Publication Date: October 15, 2019 |
Number of Pages: 158 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1700086774 |
ISBN-13: 9781700086778 |