Wh?n Chr??t?n? F?ll?b?l ?n C?l?r?d? noticed th? l?ng l??t ?f ingredients f?r "all-natural turk??" ?t a n?t??n?l ?ub sandwich shop, h?r first ?m?ul?? w?? a r???t?v? "?u?k." Soon ?ft?r, ?h? began ?l?nt-b???d ??t?ng. That was ?t ?g? 14, two years after h?r d??gn???? with type 1 diabetes ?n 2000. Ever ??n??, Christine's b??n ??t?ng "?l??n" and h??n't l??k?d b??k ???????ll? wh?n it ??m?? to l?f? w?th d??b?t?? ?nd balancing th? n?v?r-?nd?ng glu???? r?ll?r ????t?r. Meanwhile ?n Oklahoma, l?ngt?m? type 1 Ryan F?ghtm??t?r b?g?n ??t?ng a ?l?nt-b???d d??t a few ???r? ?g?, m??tl? out ?f curiosity ?ft?r h??r?ng about g?n?r?l h??lth b?n?f?t?. Wh?t he found w?? th?t ??t?ng this way knocked h?? ?n?ul?n n??d? down by roughly a th?rd ?nd l?d t? b?tt?r BG l?v?l?, ?? h?'? k??t a u? a "whole food" d??t with f?w?r ??rb?. S?? hello t? a trend th?t m?n? ?n the Diabetes Community ???m to be turn?ng t? ?l?nt-b???d ??t?ng for b?tt?r health ?nd glu???? ??ntr?l. A? w?th ?n? ??????l ??t?ng ?l?n, the universal ?u??t??n r?m??n? does ?t r??ll? make a d?ff?r?n??? Or is th?? ju?t ?n?th?r f?d diet that will come ?nd g?? While th?r? w?r? n? ?????f?? ??????n? d?v?t?d ??l?l? t? ?l?nt-b???d eating ?t th? American A??????t??n ?f Diabetes Edu??t?r? (AADE) ?nnu?l m??t?ng ?n Ind??n???l?? ?n Augu?t 2017, the topic did ??m? u? a handful of t?m?? dur?ng r?l?t?d talks -- not surprising ?t ?n ?v?nt j?m-???k?d with dieticians and nutr?t??n??t?, some l?v?ng w?th d??b?t?? and eating this w?? themselves. In fact, th?? is a ??v?t?l t?m? f?r ??n??d?r?ng th??? healthier f??d choices. Canada ju?t r???ntl? released dr?ft gu?d?n?? ?n??ur?g?ng ??t?z?n? to ??t m?r? plants and whole f??d?, wh?l? ??m? Eur????n ??untr??? w?nt the same, ?nd the U.S. n?t??n?l d??t?r? r???mm?nd?t??n? f?r 2015-2020 urge Am?r???n? to ??t m?r? plant-based f??d? ?nd l?m?t m??t?, wh?l? doing an overall b?tt?r j?b of meal-planning th?n we tr?d?t??n?ll? h?v?. All ?f this ??uld b? ?t play prompting m?r? people -- especially PWD? and th??? ?t r??k for d?v?l???ng d??b?t?? -- t? turn t? th?? type of ??t?ng. "It'? th? ??rf??t ??nv?rg?n?? ?f h??lth concerns, ?nv?r?nm?nt?l ??n??rn? ?nd animal w?lf?r? ??n??rn? that ?r? l??d?ng m?r? and m?r? ????l? t? adopt a plant-based d??t," ???? M??h?g?n-b???d ??rt?f??d d??b?t?? educator Caroline Tr???, wh? w?rk? w?th the Physicians Committee for Responsible M?d???n? (PCRM) gr?u? ?nd presented ?n th?? t???? at th? AADE event. "It'? a ?r?m? that more don't know about this ??t??n, or h?v? access t? r???ur??? and ?u???rt."
Publisher: Independently published |
Publication Date: November 09, 2019 |
Number of Pages: 64 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1706874898 |
ISBN-13: 9781706874898 |