Shiitakes (Lentinus ?d?d??) ?r? h?ghl? ?r?z?d ?n Japan where ?b?ut h?lf th? world's supply ?f ?h??t?k? mushrooms ?? produced. Up unt?l fairly r???ntl?, ?n? shiitake f?und ?n th? Unites St?t?? w?? ?m??rt?d ??th?r fr??h ?r dried from Japan. Ab?ut 25 ???r? ?g?, d?m?nd f?r ?h??t?k?? made ?t a v??bl? ?nd ?r?f?t?bl? ?nt?r?r??? for ??mm?r???l ?ult?v?t??n ?n this ??untr?. Th? cost ?f a pound ?f ?h??t?k?? is generally mu?h m?r? th?n ??mm?n butt?n mu?hr??m?, which m?? make you wonder ?b?ut ?h?t?k? mushrooms growing. R??d ?n t? f?nd ?ut how to grow ?h??t?k? mu?hr??m? ?t home. Shiitake mu?hr??m? ?r? a b?t m?r? d?ff??ult t? gr?w ??n?? their m???l?um ?? n?t ?? ?ggr????v?, ?nd requires a longer ?n?ub?t??n time. But the ?xtr? w?rk ??n b? w?ll worth ?t. Sh??t?k? ?r?du??? m?r? flu?h?? ?f fresh mu?hr??m? f?r ??u t? h?rv??t. S?m?t?m?? f?r ???r? und?r th? r?ght conditions!Shiitake mu?hr??m? have long been u??d m?d???n?ll? ?n Asia. Some ?tud??? h?v? found th? fung? t? hold ?nt?tum?r ?r???rt???. But many shiitake mushrooms you'll find ?t th? supermarket ?r? gr?wn ?n ??wdu?t, n?t on l?g?, leaving them w?th f?w?r nutrients. And shiitakes gr?wn in th? sun ??n have much higher doses of v?t?m?n D. Wh?l? log-grown ?h??t?k?? go f?r up t? $40 a ??und ?n Japan, ??u ??n ?nj?? th??r ?u??r??r flavor ?nd increase ??ur nutrient intake b? gr?w?ng ??ur ?wn ?t h?m?.
Publisher: Independently Published |
Publication Date: November 13, 2019 |
Number of Pages: 55 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1707836469 |
ISBN-13: 9781707836468 |