Northern Press Inc.
Independently Published
The Money Cleanse: Improve Your Finances, Improve Your Health
Product Code:
This book is for my daughters and all of their friends! I wish I had known in my 20's what I know now about money!It ?? time f?r u? to rethink ?nt?r?l? the way w? m?n?g? ?ur m?n?? ?nd our d?bt. If th? gr??t r???????n from 2007-2009 has taught us ?n?th?ng, ?t ?? th?t the l??? d?bt we have, th? b?tt?r ?ff we ?r?. Th?ng? are a l?t d?ff?r?nt ?n America n?w than th?? were ?v?n ten years ago. I b?l??v? that ?v?n greater ?h?ll?ng?? lay ahead. But despite ?ll ?f th?t, I h?v? v?r? good news f?r ??u. Starting wh?r? ??u are r?ght n?w, you can t?k? ??ntr?l ?f ??ur f?n?n???. Y?u h?v? th? power t? ??ntr?l ??ur f?n?n???l destiny. This b??k h?v? the ??w?r t? change ??ur l?f?. I kn?w, b???u?? th?? changed mine. It'? ???? t? g?t into debt. Getting out ?? ?n?th?r ?t?r?. Some ??-??ll?d d?bt-??ttl?m?nt companies w?ll t?ll ??u, "W? can ?ut ??ur d?bt ?n half ?n m?nut?? and save ??u thousands ?f d?ll?r?." S?rr?, but th?t'? ju?t n?n??n??! Th?? book is ?b?ut the truth. It ?ff?r? an h?n??t plan th?t will w?rk-?f ??u w?rk ?t! Financial success ?? more ?b?ut m??t?r?ng th? mental g?m? ?f m?n?? th?n ?b?ut understanding th? numb?r?. Th? math is ??m?l?; ?t'? ??ntr?ll?ng ??ur h?b?t? and emotions, that's h?rd. In this b??k, ??u w?ll discover: The reasons why you are still in debtThe ultimate st?? b? step methods t? g?t ?ut ?f debt and take ??ntr?l of ??ur f?n?n???l destinyH?w t? m?k? m?r? m?n?? H?w to h?v? better ???nd?ng h?b?t? and save more m?n?? H?w to ??v? f?r retirement, h?w much m?n?? ?h?uld ??u h?v? in ??ur 30'?, 40's, 50's and 60'? and h?w t? start saving today And more..... The road t? wealth is ??v?d with g??l?. W?th?ut financial g??l?, ??u h?v? no d?r??t??n, ?? ?t'? ???? to ???nd m?n?? ?n th?ng? you'll r?gr?t l?t?r. But ?f ??u'r? ??v?ng for a h?u??, ??ur d?ught?r'? ??ll?g? ?du??t??n, ?r a n?w ??r, ??ur goal will keep you focused. T? bu?ld wealth, ??u'v? g?t t? ???nd l??? than ??u ??rn. Successful ??r??n?l f?n?n?? ?? ?ll ?b?ut bu?ld?ng ????t?v? cash fl?w which ??u'll l??rn about ?n this book. Th?t'? ???? to ???, but not ?lw??? easy to d?. Th? Money Cleanse w?ll ?h?w ??u h?w to k??k d?bt t? the ?urb, save f?r th? futur?, ?nd pursue ??ur f?n?n???l dr??m?. I'v? done m? b??t to wr?t? the b??k th?t I w??h I'd r??d 25 ???r? ?g?-b?f?r? I g?t d??? ?n d?bt. The h??? ?? that I can h?l? you avoid th? same f?t? and bu?ld a brighter f?n?n???l futur?, r?g?rdl??? ?f the ??untr?'? ?r?gr???. I'm debt-free and so empowered by it! I want the same for you!
Author: Dr. Marybeth Crane |
Publisher: Independently Published |
Publication Date: November 15, 2019 |
Number of Pages: 52 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1708653767 |
ISBN-13: 9781708653767 |
The Money Cleanse: Improve Your Finances, Improve Your Health
This book is for my daughters and all of their friends! I wish I had known in my 20's what I know now about money!It ?? time f?r u? to rethink ?nt?r?l? the way w? m?n?g? ?ur m?n?? ?nd our d?bt. If th? gr??t r???????n from 2007-2009 has taught us ?n?th?ng, ?t ?? th?t the l??? d?bt we have, th? b?tt?r ?ff we ?r?. Th?ng? are a l?t d?ff?r?nt ?n America n?w than th?? were ?v?n ten years ago. I b?l??v? that ?v?n greater ?h?ll?ng?? lay ahead. But despite ?ll ?f th?t, I h?v? v?r? good news f?r ??u. Starting wh?r? ??u are r?ght n?w, you can t?k? ??ntr?l ?f ??ur f?n?n???. Y?u h?v? th? power t? ??ntr?l ??ur f?n?n???l destiny. This b??k h?v? the ??w?r t? change ??ur l?f?. I kn?w, b???u?? th?? changed mine. It'? ???? t? g?t into debt. Getting out ?? ?n?th?r ?t?r?. Some ??-??ll?d d?bt-??ttl?m?nt companies w?ll t?ll ??u, "W? can ?ut ??ur d?bt ?n half ?n m?nut?? and save ??u thousands ?f d?ll?r?." S?rr?, but th?t'? ju?t n?n??n??! Th?? book is ?b?ut the truth. It ?ff?r? an h?n??t plan th?t will w?rk-?f ??u w?rk ?t! Financial success ?? more ?b?ut m??t?r?ng th? mental g?m? ?f m?n?? th?n ?b?ut understanding th? numb?r?. Th? math is ??m?l?; ?t'? ??ntr?ll?ng ??ur h?b?t? and emotions, that's h?rd. In this b??k, ??u w?ll discover: The reasons why you are still in debtThe ultimate st?? b? step methods t? g?t ?ut ?f debt and take ??ntr?l of ??ur f?n?n???l destinyH?w t? m?k? m?r? m?n?? H?w to h?v? better ???nd?ng h?b?t? and save more m?n?? H?w to ??v? f?r retirement, h?w much m?n?? ?h?uld ??u h?v? in ??ur 30'?, 40's, 50's and 60'? and h?w t? start saving today And more..... The road t? wealth is ??v?d with g??l?. W?th?ut financial g??l?, ??u h?v? no d?r??t??n, ?? ?t'? ???? to ???nd m?n?? ?n th?ng? you'll r?gr?t l?t?r. But ?f ??u'r? ??v?ng for a h?u??, ??ur d?ught?r'? ??ll?g? ?du??t??n, ?r a n?w ??r, ??ur goal will keep you focused. T? bu?ld wealth, ??u'v? g?t t? ???nd l??? than ??u ??rn. Successful ??r??n?l f?n?n?? ?? ?ll ?b?ut bu?ld?ng ????t?v? cash fl?w which ??u'll l??rn about ?n this book. Th?t'? ???? to ???, but not ?lw??? easy to d?. Th? Money Cleanse w?ll ?h?w ??u h?w to k??k d?bt t? the ?urb, save f?r th? futur?, ?nd pursue ??ur f?n?n???l dr??m?. I'v? done m? b??t to wr?t? the b??k th?t I w??h I'd r??d 25 ???r? ?g?-b?f?r? I g?t d??? ?n d?bt. The h??? ?? that I can h?l? you avoid th? same f?t? and bu?ld a brighter f?n?n???l futur?, r?g?rdl??? ?f the ??untr?'? ?r?gr???. I'm debt-free and so empowered by it! I want the same for you!
Author: Dr. Marybeth Crane |
Publisher: Independently Published |
Publication Date: November 15, 2019 |
Number of Pages: 52 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1708653767 |
ISBN-13: 9781708653767 |