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Mysticism : Its True Nature And Value
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Mysticism : Its True Nature And Value
With a Translation of the Mystical Theology of Dionysius, and of the Letters to Caius and Dorotheus (1, 2 and 5). 17 Chapters total with 3 Letters. Partial Table of Contents: CHAPTER I: 9 TWO IDEAS OF MYSTICISM Knowledge is either experimental or theoretical, but is limited by sense-experience -- Natural knowledge of God, through reason or revelation, is theoretical; It cannot be experimental -- Experimental knowledge of God always desired -- Mystical theology -- Two points of view, the natural and the supernatural -- They are not naturally opposed, but complementary -- Natural mysticism is the attempt either to transcend the limitations of sense or to find Transcendental knowledge within them -- Fundamental difference between these two methods -- Neither is more than a mental attitude -- Supernatural mysticism implies the transcendence of God, on the one hand; and on the other hand, the Inability of the natural powers alone to attain to Immediate knowledge of Him -- Catholic idea of mysticism -- True mysticism rightly said to be empirical -- Compared with sensation -- The intellectual principles of mystical knowledge not essentially different from those of ordinary knowledge -- What is to be understood by the Supernatural -- The Via Remotionis -- Supernatural illumination not contrary to nature -- Its method -- Natural theories to account for supernatural mysticism -- Reasons for rejecting them -- Theological and evidential value of the subject CHAPTER II: 30 SUPERNATURAL MYSTICISM Origin of the term -- Mysticism in the Church -- In Greek philosophy -- Dionysius -- Social conditions which bring mysticism into prominence -- Spurious mysticism CHAPTER III: 35 THE NATURE OF MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE Mystical experience essentially supernatural -- Three modes of relation of creatures to the Creator -- "Natural" contemplation -- Passivity -- Mystical cognition and sensation -- Mystical and ordinary religious experience -- Mystical certitude -- Mystical experience indescribable -- Necessity of preparation -- Gerson -- Eckhart, Tauler -- Three stages -- St Teresa -- Visions and locutions -- Self-delusion CHAPTER IV: 47 THE OBJECT OF MYSTICAL KNOWLEDGE Mystical "vision," how to be understood -- How the soul can see God -- The Beatific Vision -- Doctrine of St Thomas -- St Paul's visions -- Transiency of mystical state -- Spiritual marriage -- The lumen gloriae -- St Augustine's classification -- Uncertainty of sensible and imaginary impressions as compared with intellectual vision -- All three truly supernatural CHAPTER V: 55 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MYSTICISM The object of mystical contemplation perceived by a natural process, and therefore capable of analysis -- No theory on the subject formulated by mystical writers -- Three different views. (1) Existence of a special mystical faculty. This theory is superfluous. (2) That all apparently mystical states are merely automatic, and generally of pathological origin. This implies the presupposition that genuine mysticism is impossible. (3) That mystical communications really take place, but are apprehended by the same psychical process which transmits automatic suggestion. This practically coincides with the view of ecclesiastical authority -- Difficulty of distinguishing, how caused CHAPTER VI: 63 EVIL Affinity of the problem with mysticism -- The solution of mystics often appears unsatisfactory to others -- Evil due to created freewill -- Independence of the Divine will -- Evil negative -- Practical character of mystical solution compared with the philosophical or theoretical -- Schopenhauer, Hartmann and "Ethical" religions -- Benefits of mysticism in this respect not restricted to mystics CHAPTER VII: 70 IMMANENCE AND TRANSCENDENCE Terms explained -- Spinoza, Hegel and Mysticism -- The "ground" -- Immanence and transcendence not ontologically distinct CHAPTER VIII: 75 PLOTINUS Philosophy and mysticism of Plotinus
Author: Alfred B Sharpe M a, Alfred Sharpe |
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform |
Publication Date: Jul 15, 2018 |
Number of Pages: 116 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1722921285 |
ISBN-13: 9781722921286 |