As science continues to uncover the complexities that make up our Human World-on the periphery of its research it unknowingly reveals ever more, Humanities complex relationships to not just his physical world, but his/her unseen BEing state within that physical world. Psychological aspects of our human makeup having no relevance to the external world we exist in, now, through the advancements of Spiritual Science and Quantum Physics etc., we find that our realm of influence is no longer confined to just the extremities of our brain, nor the inner sphere of our thinking. It has unwittingly found that we exert an influence on every element of the world and Cosmos we exist in. As science refines itself and moves toward a more super-sensitivity within its research, it continually runs into their being a Spirit Nature to ALL of existence. Although it hates to admit it; it continually comes up against the subtle yet profoundly significant revelation that there is a Spiritual Nature that exists and in fact, influences and creates ALL Physical Nature. More and more we are finding that physical laws are in fact, not only subservient to Spiritual Laws, but in truth, only exists because of Spiritual Laws. Enmeshed in all of this, is the "concept of mind." It gets assigned and exalted as a spiritual organ or function of an individual's brilliance that somehow, brings these revelations of existence into our human reality. In the next breath however, that same mind-concept is labeled an attribute of Human Nature, a rebel saboteur, some kind of evil component that is out to hinder and limit ever action or intention I have. At the end of the day, responsibility for all the inadequacies of my thinking, feeling and willing creations of my Human Nature, are assigned to "my mind," as if its none of my fault for its seemingly delinquent behavior. Libraries have become filled with "mind-based" technologies for understanding the Human makeup, yet still, even the trained and skillful mind workers can't penetrate the realms of Human Consciousness experientially. All enlightened Masters have shared the illusion of the mind and our need to overcome it to reach higher states of not just consciousness, but optimal Human physicality and performance. They all have shared that a more virtuous Human is not found within the mind, but on the contrary, by getting out of it and becoming free of the mind and its constraints. The question I ask is ... who is the BEing that has to overcome this mind-concept? How do I get to experience the components of Body Soul and Spirit that make up this BEing? What is the relationship between these components that I can develop to allow my Spirit Nature to be expressed through my Human Nature in my everyday life? It is only by our Spirit Nature that we gain the necessary higher attributes and virtues. These higher capacities are what enables us to pull our Self back from the brink of being lost in an ever-hardening materialistic creation of our individualized Intellect. Without our Human and Spirit Natures co-creating our Earth walk, true freedom-the willingness to "experience anything" with Love, cannot be fully achieved. A materialized Human has no super-sensitivity ability to be Aware of the subtle internal and external forces and influences being exerted upon it. Experiential knowledge is a Power that can set our Human free to experience its Spirit Nature. It is no longer enough to simply "Know thy human-self." The highest power for transformation that comes through Love and Freedom, lies hidden in the inner depths of "Intimately Knowing Thy Soul and Spirit Self." Experiential knowledge of the three Self's of Body Soul and Spirit that make up the BEing you BE, along with their component parts, functions and relationship together, is the real power that sets your human free from influence ... with a free-willing-ness and courage to BE ... Love. No need to change the world from this state of BEing ... for it changes wi
Author: Mr Peter Cranston Blake |
Publisher: PB PUBLISHING |
Publication Date: Nov 27, 2018 |
Number of Pages: 260 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1732756007 |
ISBN-13: 9781732756007 |