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Rick Kent the author of this book allows science, religion, spirituality, and the world's mysteries to be united in a modern high tech world in most of his books. Consequently, with many people their mind may be opened to a different outlook completely, considering the existence of GOD in the world. By reading this book by the writings thereof, it will make the world a better place by accepting and doing the advice given by the author and the voice of Jesus and his creator father of this universe! Before reading this book, one must realize that you will hear the truth, and the "truth will set you free" as Jesus really meant. What is real is truth and truth can never be changed like figures with a mathematician, and you will no longer live in a fantasy, or live a myth that a certain religion or someone may have told you. On the other hand, a book that was written by the voice of a false god, angel, prophet, or other being within the heavens acting as an authority of life unto the author, is also a great falsity back in ancient times, as we understand them. By reading this book, you will hear the truth of your very existence, so beware of hearing and seeing what is real by the voice of the true creator of this universe along with his children or beings of him that were working with him to create it. If you do not really want to see the truth about this planet humanity calls Earth, this book may not be a book that you should read! By reading this book you will learn of our past and future events - some positive --- some negative, but as truthful as possible by the spirit and guidance of the truthful creators related to this universe. The gist of the Old Testament is about an ET called a god related to Israel and their independence from slaves in Egypt. The Old Testament is a book of wars and strong egos from gods and various kings wanting to control the world with the gods all having their own agenda for being here. Furthermore, most of these ET gods had a strong interest in the precious metals, especially gold and silver that had to do with rituals and technology they had in that day from worlds beyond ours. However, the New Testament is mainly about Jesus and the letters of Paul the Apostle. I pray that pride does not keep someone from seeing the great truths of this book, or no one is offended by any humor in this book. It really should not offend, unless one's heart is as rigid as iron, and as narrow as the hair follicle on one's head. GOD has a sense of humor by a baby making funny noises like cooing. We have walruses, laughing hyenas, parrots that say the dandiest things along with penguins walking so funny, and there's more, for you are the creator of more to be written from your mind for a bird told me that we are about to have a paper shortage. By reading this book, one will find the information about immortality, and what it is really all about, with no wool pulled over someone's eyes as religions can do. There are plenty of smoke screens in life, and what we hear and see behind the scenes means a rude awakening to the psyche, for with certain religions and with words when they are manipulated, along with figures when it comes to finances too. For if, we really think about life, it is full of smoke screens, and this book will expose some of them. People in general on this planet would rather live with myths in a world of false realities, than to hear the truth and deal with it, and become close to GOD in the process of accepting what is true and real. Many people on this planet would rather believe lies about what is true, rather than dealing with the truth and what is real. People who are blinded by the arrogant ways of false gods would rather hear lies than to deal with the consequences of the changes necessary that goes with the mindset of living certain truths in everyday life. I had an ET experience told in book. My subconscious mind held information since 1955!
Author: Rick Kent |
Publisher: Independently published |
Publication Date: Jan 27, 2019 |
Number of Pages: 317 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1791777155 |
ISBN-13: 9781791777159 |