Mereo Books
Alfred Smee: Victorian Scientist, Inventor, Gardener And Campaigner
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Alfred Smee: Victorian Scientist, Inventor, Gardener And Campaigner
ÿ Doreen Kerry's lifelong passion has been to lose herself in the romance of the movies, a passion she shared for many years with her late mother. Now she has written a memoir in which she imagines herself travelling back with the aid of H G Wells' time machine to meet and perform with the stars, from Judy Garland to Katharine Hepburn and from Humphrey Bogart to Clark Gable. "Consider it more a memoir than an autobiography - an intimate insight into my feelings and emotions as not portrayed anywhere else; times in my life that cannot be rewritten; history in the making." 9781861518668 1861518668 134 BOOK Young Adult Nonfiction http://books.google.com/books/content?id=B1tODwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api http://books.google.com/books/content?id=B1tODwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&edge=curl&source=gbs_api en 9781861518668
Author: Doreen Kerry |
Publisher: Mereo Books |
Publication Date: Oct 10, 2022 |
Number of Pages: 110 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1861518668 |
ISBN-13: 9781861518668 |