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Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoam

La M??uina Dictatorial: Poder Y Narrativa En Guatemala, Colombia Y Venezuela

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Product Code: 9781930744707
ISBN13: 9781930744707
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La M??uina Dictatorial: Poder Y Narrativa En Guatemala, Colombia Y Venezuela


Julio Quintero es profesor asociado de espa?ol en Grove City College. Se interesa en la teor?a de la imaginaci?n y la representaci?n en la narrativa del siglo diecinueve y veinte en Centro y Suram?rica al igual que en la inclusi?n de formas innovadoras de ense?anza del espa?ol y la cultura hispanoamericana en el sal?n de clase. Usando la cr?tica a la narrativa del dictador de inicios de la d?cada de los ochenta como punto de inflexi?n, La m?quina dictatorial analiza repeticiones de la figura del d?spota como si fueran partes que se a?aden a un antiguo mecanismo de representaci?n. La m?quina dictatorial se centra en novelas de Arturo Uslar Pietri, R.H. Moreno Dur?n, Federico Vegas y Rodrigo Rey Rosa. Quintero es autor de El poeta en la novela hispanoamericana (Universidad de Antioquia, 2010) y art?culos y rese?as suyas han aparecido en Hispanic Issues, Revista Hisp?nica Moderna e Hispania, entre otras.

Julio Quintero is an Associate Professor of Spanish at Grove City College. He is interested in the theory of imagination and representation in the narrative of the 19th and 20th centuries in Central and South America as well as the inclusion of innovative ways of teaching Spanish and Hispanic American culture in the classroom. Taking the criticism of the dictator's narrative from the early 1980s as a turning point, La m?quina dictatorial analyses repetitions of the despotic as if they were parts added to an old mechanism of representation. La m?quina dictatorial focuses on novels by Arturo Uslar Pietri, R.H. Moreno Dur?n, Federico Vegas and Rodrigo Rey Rosa. Quintero is the author of El poeta en la novela hispanoamericana (Universidad de Antioquia, 2010) and his articles and reviews have appeared in Hispanic Issues and Revista Hisp?nica Moderna e Hispania, among others.

Author: Julio Quintero
Publisher: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoam
Publication Date: Jan 01, 2016
Number of Pages: 217 pages
Binding: Paperback or Softback
ISBN-10: 1930744706
ISBN-13: 9781930744707

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