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Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoam

Sujetos del Latinoamericanismo

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Product Code: 9781930744974
ISBN13: 9781930744974
Condition: New

Sujetos del Latinoamericanismo


" Qui?n viene despu?s del sujeto?", se preguntaba Jean-Luc Nancy a fines de los a?os ochenta, anticip?ndose al debate contempor?neo. Con sus ribetes aparentemente parad?jicos, la pregunta, que sigue cobrando validez, evoca una subjetividad distinta, m?s all? del "Sujeto" como categor?a establecida. Los art?culos aqu? reunidos retoman este planteamiento heur?stico para imaginar nuevas posibilidades est?ticas, ?ticas y pol?ticas en el arte y los estudios latinoamericanos.

Sus autores -distinguidas plumas tanto emergentes como establecidas- consideran obras recientes y can?nicas que comparten un rasgo fundamental: indagar en la vida singular que subyace a nombre, persona, e individuo.

Con estudios de caso provenientes de M?xico, Cuba, Colombia, Per?, Brasil y el Cono Sur, el volumen aporta una perspectiva de conjunto. Permite as? conceptualizar la resistencia al sujeto abstracto universal en diversas manifestaciones culturales, desde la poes?a y el cine hasta el arte conceptual, pasando por la narrativa ficcional, period?stica y autobiogr?fica.

"Who comes after the subject?", Jean-Luc Nancy wondered at the end of the 1980s, anticipating the contemporary debate. With its apparently paradoxical overtones, the question, which continues to gain validity, evokes a different subjectivity, beyond of the 'Subject' as an established category. The articles gathered here take up this heuristic approach to imagine new aesthetic, ethical and political possibilities in Latin American art and studies.

Its authors - both distinguished emerging and established writers - consider recent and canonical works that share a fundamental trait: inquiring into the singular life that underlies a name, a person, and an individual.

With case studies from Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and the Southern Cone, this volume provides an overall perspective. Thus, it allows conceptualising the resistance to the universal abstract subject in diverse cultural manifestations, from poetry and cinema to conceptual art, passing through fictional, journalistic and autobiographical narrative.

Author: Florencia Garramu??
Publisher: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoam
Publication Date: Jan 01, 2023
Number of Pages: 212 pages
Binding: Paperback or Softback
ISBN-10: 1930744978
ISBN-13: 9781930744974

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