M.O.R.E. Incorporated
The Wow Factor!
Product Code:

The Wow Factor!
Your best prospects and customers are BORED TO DEATH... Every day is the same... Every marketing message in front of them is the same... And this is a huge problem because BORED PEOPLE DON'T BUY! To get more people to give you more money - all you have to do is 'WOW THEM!!!" Just use the powerful marketing secrets in chapter one to create a major 'WOW FACTOR!' that completely separates YOU from all of your competitors and makes people want to do business with you and only you! Read through all the secrets in chapter one carefully and then go through the rest of the book to discover even more marketing secrets.
Author: T. J. Rohleder |
Publisher: M.O.R.E. Incorporated |
Publication Date: Feb 07, 2012 |
Number of Pages: 180 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 1933356936 |
ISBN-13: 9781933356938 |