James Kay Publishing
Clearing Up The Confusion: The Cup; The Cross; And The Chaos!
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In John 17:21, Jesus prayed to God that all of His disciples would be one, thus bringing the world to believe in Him. Just prior to that, in the same prayer, Jesus indicated at least seven times that the only way we would ever be able to accomplish, enjoy, and exhibit to the unbelieving world around us such divine oneness and unity, would be by standing together on His word (Vss. 6, 8, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20; see also Philippians 1:27-28, 2:1-2). But today, we who are called and claim to be the Lord's "one church," find ourselves sadly and seemingly hopelessly divided over several, different, doctrinal dissensions. One of the most determined and aggressively-defended divisions in the Lord's church is seen evidenced in the fact, that even in many small towns across America today we have more than one congregation of God's people, the memberships of which are often divided over, of all things, the Christ-instituted celebration of the one thing that ought more than any other to bring us forever closer together: communion! In a 2016 published interview, it was reported that "The most recent volume of the directory Churches of Christ in the United States, published by 21st Century Christian, lists 553 one-cup congregations with a combined membership of 18,929" ("No Such Thing As Individual Communion," Christian Chronicle, Lynn McMillon, June 22, 2016). That same interview eventually went on to reveal how one-cup brethren in Christ do not consider themselves to be in fellowship with those of their brethren who use multiple cups or containers in their communion celebration. "My beloved brethren, these things ought not to be so!" In what is intended to be a very loving as well as scripturally straightforward and doctrinally-sound effort to try to help heal up some of this hurtful, horrible, and gospel-paralyzing division, this writer has been very blessed and privileged by God to be able to author and have published, a brand new and scripturally in-depth work, entitled "Clearing Up The Confusion: The Cup, The Cross, and The Chaos" The book was written in the hope that it might help to start the healing process of that ugly, ungodly, ghastly and gaping wound in the beloved, beleaguered, and blood bought body and bride of our Lord Jesus Christ - before her 'big day' arrives. It is written for all of God's children who would like to, in some small way, help to provide and become a part of the answer to Jesus' prayer for a change. This, by understanding the division, helping to initiate the healing process, and to thereafter assist in inducing the oneness which will once and for all prove to a lost and dying world, the infinitely uniting love and power of our awesome Lord and Savior.
Author: Douglas E. Dingley |
Publisher: James Kay Publishing |
Publication Date: Jul 19, 2018 |
Number of Pages: 179 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1943245258 |
ISBN-13: 9781943245253 |
Clearing Up The Confusion: The Cup; The Cross; And The Chaos!
In John 17:21, Jesus prayed to God that all of His disciples would be one, thus bringing the world to believe in Him. Just prior to that, in the same prayer, Jesus indicated at least seven times that the only way we would ever be able to accomplish, enjoy, and exhibit to the unbelieving world around us such divine oneness and unity, would be by standing together on His word (Vss. 6, 8, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20; see also Philippians 1:27-28, 2:1-2). But today, we who are called and claim to be the Lord's "one church," find ourselves sadly and seemingly hopelessly divided over several, different, doctrinal dissensions. One of the most determined and aggressively-defended divisions in the Lord's church is seen evidenced in the fact, that even in many small towns across America today we have more than one congregation of God's people, the memberships of which are often divided over, of all things, the Christ-instituted celebration of the one thing that ought more than any other to bring us forever closer together: communion! In a 2016 published interview, it was reported that "The most recent volume of the directory Churches of Christ in the United States, published by 21st Century Christian, lists 553 one-cup congregations with a combined membership of 18,929" ("No Such Thing As Individual Communion," Christian Chronicle, Lynn McMillon, June 22, 2016). That same interview eventually went on to reveal how one-cup brethren in Christ do not consider themselves to be in fellowship with those of their brethren who use multiple cups or containers in their communion celebration. "My beloved brethren, these things ought not to be so!" In what is intended to be a very loving as well as scripturally straightforward and doctrinally-sound effort to try to help heal up some of this hurtful, horrible, and gospel-paralyzing division, this writer has been very blessed and privileged by God to be able to author and have published, a brand new and scripturally in-depth work, entitled "Clearing Up The Confusion: The Cup, The Cross, and The Chaos" The book was written in the hope that it might help to start the healing process of that ugly, ungodly, ghastly and gaping wound in the beloved, beleaguered, and blood bought body and bride of our Lord Jesus Christ - before her 'big day' arrives. It is written for all of God's children who would like to, in some small way, help to provide and become a part of the answer to Jesus' prayer for a change. This, by understanding the division, helping to initiate the healing process, and to thereafter assist in inducing the oneness which will once and for all prove to a lost and dying world, the infinitely uniting love and power of our awesome Lord and Savior.
Author: Douglas E. Dingley |
Publisher: James Kay Publishing |
Publication Date: Jul 19, 2018 |
Number of Pages: 179 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1943245258 |
ISBN-13: 9781943245253 |