Johnny Townsend
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Mentre Craig e Toby tentano di mantenere in vita il loro vacillante matrimonio, la crisi climatica si insinua nella loro relazione come il terzo elemento di un m?nage ? trois.Craig vuole passare ad azioni drastiche, Toby invece vuole solo vivere la sua vita come meglio pu? prima che il clima si aggravi in maniera irreversibile."Si lotta per la vita con tutti i mezzi necessari," insiste Craig. "Se qualcuno fa irruzione a casa tua, tu tiri fuori la mazza da baseball o la pistola. Se qualcuno spara sulla folla, scappi, ti nascondi o reagisci."Ma che fare quando c'? di mezzo il riscaldamento globale? Quando le compagnie dei combustibili fossili corrompono i politici perch? difendano le emissioni di carbonio al costo di vite umane?Craig si chiede se scrivere a un giornale sia sufficiente. Se sia efficace bloccare il traffico con una marcia di protesta una o due volte l'anno.Toby minaccia di lasciarlo se combiner? stupidaggini. E di denunciarlo alle autorit?.Craig per? sente che dovr? commettere violenza sia tollerando lo status quo sia facendo qualsiasi cosa in suo potere per opporsi a chi continua a stravolgere il clima. Si unisce quindi a un gruppo di eco-attivisti le cui azioni sono ben pi? estreme di quanto si fosse aspettato.Sopravviver? alla violenta repressione dei manifestanti messa in atto dalla polizia?La sua relazione con Toby sopravviver? all'ulteriore stress del tradimento?E sopravviveranno, i due, al nuovo incendio appena scoppiato fuori citt??
Craig wants to take drastic action but Toby just wants to live his life as best he can before climate breakdown escalates. "You fight for your life by any means necessary," Craig insists. "If someone breaks into your house, you pull out a baseball bat or a gun. When there's a mass shooting, you run, hide, or fight back."But when it involves global warming? And fossil fuel industries buying politicians who protect carbon emissions at the cost of human lives?Craig wonders if a letter to the editor is effective. If blocking traffic at a rally once or twice a year is enough.Toby threatens to leave him if does anything stupid. And to report him to the authorities.But Craig feels he'll need to commit violence one way or another, either by condoning the status quo or by doing whatever he can to fight those who keep destabilizing the climate. So he joins a group of eco activists whose efforts are far more extreme than even he had expected.Will Craig survive the violent police crackdown on protesters?Will his relationship with Toby survive the additional stress of betrayal?And will either of them survive the new wildfire that's just started at the edge of town?
Craig wants to take drastic action but Toby just wants to live his life as best he can before climate breakdown escalates. "You fight for your life by any means necessary," Craig insists. "If someone breaks into your house, you pull out a baseball bat or a gun. When there's a mass shooting, you run, hide, or fight back."But when it involves global warming? And fossil fuel industries buying politicians who protect carbon emissions at the cost of human lives?Craig wonders if a letter to the editor is effective. If blocking traffic at a rally once or twice a year is enough.Toby threatens to leave him if does anything stupid. And to report him to the authorities.But Craig feels he'll need to commit violence one way or another, either by condoning the status quo or by doing whatever he can to fight those who keep destabilizing the climate. So he joins a group of eco activists whose efforts are far more extreme than even he had expected.Will Craig survive the violent police crackdown on protesters?Will his relationship with Toby survive the additional stress of betrayal?And will either of them survive the new wildfire that's just started at the edge of town?
Author: Johnny Townsend |
Publisher: Johnny Townsend |
Publication Date: Nov 01, 2024 |
Number of Pages: 246 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 1961525240 |
ISBN-13: 9781961525245 |