Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Le P?e No? a disparu/Where is Santa?
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Le P?e No? a disparu/Where is Santa?
La No?l approche ? grands pas! Dans l'atelier du P?re No?l r?gne un climat d'effervescence. Les lutins du P?re No?l chantent et dansent. Ces joyeux lurons s'affairent aux derniers pr?paratifs pour le grand jour. Soudain arrive Gui, le chef des lutins. Lui d'habitude si calme et serein a l'air boulevers?. Il tripote nerveusement son chapeau vert avant d'annoncer la disparition du P?re No?l. Catastrophe! Que va-t-il se passer? Arriveront-ils ? sauver la No?l?___Christmas is fast approaching! In Santa's workshop the elves were cheerful and enthusiastic. They could not stop themselves from singing and dancing. The big day was right around the corner and all the toys were almost ready. Suddenly, Seith the leader of the elves showed up. Seith who was usually calm and serene looked worried and gloomy. He was nervously fiddling with his green hat before announcing that Santa has disappeared. What a disaster! What will happen? Will they be able to save Christmas?
Author: Maya Regel |
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
Publication Date: Nov 27, 2017 |
Number of Pages: 44 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1979269718 |
ISBN-13: 9781979269711 |