New entry in Jane Lindskold's Over Where portal fantasy series Beware the Book Wraith! No one is at all sure what a book wraith might be, but whatever it is definitely has the battered tomes in the Library of the Sapphire Wind very worried indeed. Figuring out what a book wraith could be is hardly the least of the challenges that the newly formed House of Rough Diamonds will face as the motley assortment of members?including three women who are literally ?out of this world??attempt to secure ownership of the Library. Enemies old and new, both within and without the contested property, will strain the Rough Diamonds ingenuity and resources, forcing the small group to recruit new and possibly dangerous allies. Swords flash and spells fly, as secrets are concealed and revealed, in this latest installment of the series of which Publishers Weekly said, ?This vivid, magical tale is sure to please? and Fantasy and Science Fiction recommended for its ?fascinating cast of characters moving through an inventive and wondrous world.?
Author: Jane Lindskold |
Publisher: Baen |
Publication Date: Sep 05, 2023 |
Number of Pages: 304 pages |
Language: English |
Binding: Paperback |
ISBN-10: 1982192895 |
ISBN-13: 9781982192891 |