Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 9th Ifip Wg 8.8/11.2 International Conference, Cardis 2010, Passau, Germany, April 14-16, 2010, Proceed
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Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 9th Ifip Wg 8.8/11.2 International Conference, Cardis 2010, Passau, Germany, April 14-16, 2010, Proceed
TheseproceedingscontainthepapersselectedforpresentationatCARDIS 2010, the 9th IFIP Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Application hosted by the Institute of IT-Security and Security Law (ISL) of the University ofPassau, Germany.CARDISisorganizedbyIFIPWorkingGroupsWG8.8and WG 11.2. Since 1994, CARDIS has been the foremost international conference dedicated to smart card research and applications. Every second year leading researchers and practitioners meet to present new ideas and discuss recent - velopments in smart card technologies. Thefastevolutioninthe?eldofinformationsecurityrequiresadequatemeans for representing the user in human-machine interactions. Smart cards, and by extension smart devices with their processing power and their direct association with the user, are considered the ?rst choice for this purpose. A wide range of areas including hardware design, operating systems, systems modelling, cr- tography, and distributed systems contribute to this fast-growing technology. The submissions to CARDIS were reviewed by at least three members of the ProgramCommittee, followedbyatwo-weekdiscussionphaseheldelectronically, wherecommittee memberscouldcomment onall papersand allreviews.Finally, 16 papers were selected for presentation at CARDIS. There aremany volunteerswho o?ered their time and energy to put together the symposium and who deserve our acknowledgment. We want to thank all the members of the Program Committee and the external reviewers for their hard work in evaluating and discussing the submissions. We are also very grateful to JoachimPosegga, the GeneralChairof CARDIS 2010, andhisteam for thelocal conference management. Last, but certainly not least, our thanks go to all the authors who submitted papers and all the attendees. We hope you ?nd the proceedings stimulating.
Author: Dieter Gollmann |
Publisher: Springer |
Publication Date: Apr 09, 2010 |
Number of Pages: 239 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 3642125093 |
ISBN-13: 9783642125096 |