... Suddenly he heard it. Loud and clear! A voice: "Do not dive into the lake of love!" ... The sojourner, Scimarajh, believes he has made the ultimate sacrifice by leaving his family and society behind as he goes in search of the Land of Bliss. After surviving the most trying dangers and adventures, he now stands just a few paces away from the realisation of his longing. On a hill in front of him he sees the Land of Bliss. But first...between him and the Land lies a quiet, still, tranquil lake. The Lake of Love. And if Scimarajh thinks that his greatest obstacles lie behind him, he is very very wrong. Man's greatest obstacle is himself.
Author: Che Chidi Chukwumerije |
Publisher: Boxwood Publishing House |
Publication Date: Jun 15, 2015 |
Number of Pages: 130 pages |
Binding: Paperback or Softback |
ISBN-10: 394300080X |
ISBN-13: 9783943000801 |